Artist/Song Title: David Usher - Jesus was my girl
Subject: SPN, Dean PoV
Summary: 'So he dies and I'm the joke - A playdoh mask a million miles to go.' Illusion is the first of all pleasures.
Warnings: Swearing, a smidge Wincest and no regrets
720x400 - 25 MB AVI or
watch on BAM Reasons to vid ‘My Girl’? David Usher is the one artist were I feel like I could vid every single song, so actually I was thinking about vidding this particular song for years and I almost started to vid it last year after ‘Soldiering’ as contrast and to twist the father/son-relationship into completely unhealthy. It would have worked with John - But not as good as now with Sam, Season 3 and the endlessness that was ‘Jesus Christ’. This is mostly what didn’t make it, landed on the cutting floor or just didn’t fit. It’s a vidlet after a big project to come down and knowing a song by heart. Plus I couldn’t resist the irony of vidding two songs with Jesus in the title.
Lyrical interpretation: What I love about David Usher are his lyrics, they are straightforward and yet poetic at the same time. I tried to capture this spirit and while there are some double meanings in there, this is as straightforward as it gets for me. So this time I won’t explain my reasons for taking the clips I used and leave it completely up to the viewer.
The Journey? Very short indeed, less than a week.
Technical notes worth mentioning? One of the main problems I wanted to solve for the future was the logo that bugged the hell out of me. So I knew there were solutions available in avisynth and now was the time to read up on them. I finally decided to go with the xlogo filter and after tweaking the bmp around till it covered the spot I wanted covered, I was thrilled to use Season 3 footage. I also figured out how to work with mkv-files in avisynth so that Premiere won’t fuck them up and then there was this overlay function I wanted to use in the final export filter that also needed figuring out. So yeah, I think I spend more time trying to deepen my avisynth knowledge than actually vidding. I hope you don’t mind, because the result is cool.
Final note: Well this was fun and I can’t believe how fast this project came together and I hope that Sammy gets his own vid soonish. I already have two songs in mind for him. Oh, and feed the vidder, I don’t bite.