Title: Most Unusual, Chapter 16: Internal and External Influenza
Fandom(s): Harry Potter, Labyrinth
Characters/Ships: Sarah/Jareth, onesided Antonius "Tony" Williams/Hermione.
Previous Chapters:
Prologue - Chapter 15Author's Plea: So... took this in a different direction than I had originally envisioned, but I still think I might could pull it off
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Comments 5
I don't think I've read this one! Thanks!
I was grinning ear to ear at this point. Loved reading about poor Tony's unrequited crush on Hermione. His stubborn blindness to the whys of his Hermione-obsession only makes it more fun. Good thing he didn't take his dad's advice and sing to her. And poor Ron, he can barely keep up with his school work or laces as it is. :)
Tony is still adorable, and his jealous manipulations only make him more so. Draco, I think, is in trouble. Looking forward to more of this...you know, eventually. ;)
Tony is so adorable with his crush and quirks. And Ron is so slow as usual.
Anyways, can't wait for more and hopefully you'll update soon!
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