Title: Not the Fall
Fandom(s): Inuyasha
Ships: SessKag. Maybe.
Summary: It isn't the fall that kills you, they tell her jokingly. It's the landing.
Author's Plea: Oneshot, different style, present tense, short.. Goodness I can't warn you enough, but it's all I could do at present. Knowing me, I'll probably write another out of utter disappointment
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Comments 8
That's my guess.
I really liked it all the same. After too many years of waiting for Inuyasha to finish up, I've taken on a liking for the more introspective Kagome. Because she's got to be at least a little messed up from all the time-travel and love-triangles and... stuff.
I only write similarly to this when I'm in a weird mood. I wish it was on demand.
... now can someone please tell me what the hell I was thinking when I wrote that?
What:No idea.
Where:Three paces ahead of Takahashi, maybe?
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