deshou?! I was kinda curious to make some gifs and make them together like a puzzle xD but, because it was really hard to make them moving together, it ended just with 4 pieces of gifs xP
Omedetou Mita san! This needs party :D Balloons are wonderful.. Let our life be filled with colorful memories like these balloons.. Thanks for creating such a wonderful livejournal.To tell the truth you are first friend that i got once i created my lj.Kore kara mo yoroshiku ne..
Comments 30
and wow! the gif is amazing!!! i love the effects of the 4 shown together ^^
I was kinda curious to make some gifs and make them together like a puzzle xD
but, because it was really hard to make them moving together, it ended just with 4 pieces of gifs xP
This needs party :D
Balloons are wonderful.. Let our life be filled with colorful memories like these balloons..
Thanks for creating such a wonderful livejournal.To tell the truth you are first friend that i got once i created my lj.Kore kara mo yoroshiku ne..
klo ak bkinny setaun sblmny lho #plak, gda yg nanya#
Kawaiiiii.... giftny... siang" gtu malah lbh bagus keliatanny tuh balonnya y dbnding malem... ^^
wah, iya!! bulan depan 'ultah' yg ke-3 yah? xD
he? emank ada yang balon2an pas malem yah? o.Oa
eh btw user pic ochan ny ganteng... xD
hhehehe~ sankyuu~ ^^
Ohno thu klo ktawa hidung nya lucu bgt. ngga nahan~ hhahahha... (pada dasarnya bentuk hidung nya agak aneh sieh *plakkk!!!*) xD
that gifs so cute :)
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