Arriving on a Jet Plane

Feb 21, 2010 15:06

Title: Arriving on a Jet Plane
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Sakurai Sho/Aiba Masaki
Summary: “I thought it would be a nice gesture. The impersonal backseat of an agency car or door-to-door Masaki service? I know what I’d pick.”
Notes/Warnings: This is my BFF OTP, so it was quite a challenge to write a little bit more. Fun to step out of my usual comfort zone though! Set just after Sho came back from Vancouver.

“...should be alright,” his manager was saying quietly as Sho stirred from sleep. The lack of humming meant they’d landed, and he was just happy his ears didn’t hurt from the descent. The last thing Sho remembered was the small snack they’d passed out when they were flying over the Bering Strait. But even sleeping through the second half of the flight back from Vancouver hadn’t helped. He felt just as exhausted.

“The P2 car park,” his manager continued. “Okay. Yes. Correct.” Sho adjusted in the seat, noticing that his headphones had at some point disconnected from his mp3 player during sleep and the cord had tangled around his arm. “We’ll get through customs and meet there.”

“Meet who?” Sho asked, blearily shoving his things into his carry-on as other passengers disembarked around them.

Where Sho expected the answer to be the company car to drive him home or a special taxi service, his manager simply closed his phone and said “Aiba-san.”

Sho sighed. He didn’t need Aiba taking him out somewhere. He just wanted his bed. He’d spent half his weekend on an airplane, or it at least felt that way. His manager led the way through the terminal, going through a separate exit to avoid the chaos that had plagued their arrival overseas the other day.

Aiba was waiting in the car park in a puffy down vest and a baseball cap, offering a friendly wave. “My car has heated seats, you know,” was the first thing Aiba said.

Sho said nothing. The company vehicle had heated seats too, and it wasn’t as cluttered as Aiba’s car. There were golf clubs left behind in the trunk, so Sho tossed his things in the backseat before settling himself in the front passenger seat. He sighed, pulling out a candy wrapper from beneath him and adding it to the litter at his feet Aiba had yet to clear out.

Aiba got in and got the car going, rolling down the window to get a stern warning from the manager. Drive slowly, merge safely onto the expressway, keep an appropriate distance between cars. The usual stuff, but complete with the manager tapping his hand on Aiba’s side mirror nervously. Matsujun’s little fender bender was still fresh in their minds, but Aiba just nodded obediently and buckled his seat belt.

“I’ll get him home,” Aiba said, offering a Nino-esque salute that didn’t reassure Sho’s manager or Sho himself.

“Take care, have a good night.”

Sho pulled his coat around him tighter while Aiba turned up the heat before backing out of his parking space and heading slowly for the exit.

“You didn’t have to drive all the way here,” Sho complained once they’d left Narita behind. “I wasn’t gone that long.”

Aiba laughed, changing lanes with just a quick look over his shoulder. “I thought it would be a nice gesture. The impersonal backseat of an agency car or door-to-door Masaki service? I know what I’d pick.”

“Thanks,” Sho said, not feeling that up to talking. He was just so tired. There’d been no time to even deal with the jet lag going to Canada - it would just double up and kick his ass now that he was back home.

The agency car would have been quiet at his request. Aiba had on a CD, a Christmas mix Becky had given all her Shimura Zoo colleagues that Aiba hadn’t yet taken out of his player despite it being February. And if there’d been quiet music in the agency car, the driver sure wouldn’t have sung along with it like Aiba was doing now, tapping the wheel and bobbing his head to some poppy version of Jingle Bells.

Traffic wasn’t so bad when they got back to Tokyo on account of the late hour. “Did you get me anything?” Aiba asked when they were finally off the expressway and within a few blocks of Sho’s place.

“Got you all something,” he replied, thinking about the little Olympic mascot plushies he’d gotten the other members. Sho thought they were really cute, but he hadn’t had a lot of time to pick out anything else. The plushies themselves had been an airport afterthought before he’d gone to the gate to catch his flight home.

Fortunately for Aiba’s sake, there was a space available in the garage under Sho’s building. “Yeah, I got him here safely!” Aiba said, calling Sho’s manager as soon as the car was in park. “Yep. Yeah, he knows. 9 AM tomorrow. You have a good night too, thanks!”

Sho was halfway to the elevator with his things in tow before he realized Aiba was following him. “You’re not staying,” he complained when the doors closed.

Aiba grinned. “I want to see what you got me!”

“It’s a plushie,” Sho told him, ruining the surprise in hopes that Aiba would figure out he just wanted some time to unwind and mostly some time to sleep properly. He didn’t take the hint, following Sho to his door and inside.

“I’ll run you a bath!”

“You don’t have to do that.”

But Aiba was already gone, and he heard the water running seconds later. It had been a hectic few weeks, not that the last year hadn’t been hectic period. But with drama filming and his commitments for Zero on top of his usual Arashi activities, it was hard to take very good care of himself. It hadn’t been so long ago that Aiba had been trying to balance his own drama and Arashi. Sho supposed his kindness tonight was meant to make up for the nights when Sho had forced him to get rest, to eat properly, to not stress out about so many lines to memorize.

He shrugged out of his coat, dragging his suitcase and belongings to his room. A bath did sound nice. Sho flopped onto the bed with a sigh. Much better than an airplane seat. He must have fallen right to sleep because it seemed like only seconds later Aiba was shaking him, complaining about the bathwater getting cold.

“Come on, Sho-chan,” he was whispering, squeezing his shoulder. He got a little frisky, pulling up Sho’s shirt to trail his fingers up Sho’s spine. “Come on, bath time.”

“...not getting in there with me,” he mumbled.

“I’ll give you a massage when you get out. I don’t want to get out of practice. No more Mago Mago Arashi grandmas,” Aiba continued, still tickling. Door-to-door Masaki service certainly came with its perks.

“Alright, alright,” he said, getting up and taking the t-shirt and sweats Aiba had already gotten out of his drawer for him (probably knowing which one without having to think about it). He locked the bathroom door decisively. He wouldn’t get any of the benefits of bathing if Aiba let himself in - he’d just get the benefits of Aiba that would leave him even more exhausted in the morning.

The water was just hot enough to be relaxing. He smirked at the aromatherapy candles Aiba had taken the trouble to light, blowing them out once he was done and the water was swirling down the drain.

“You shouldn’t mix the strawberry candle and the pine one, Aiba-chan. It’s enough to give someone a...” He paused when he saw that Aiba was already under the covers, snoring. “...headache.”

So much for that massage.

He smiled anyhow, unzipping his travel case and pulling out one of the stuffed animals he’d bought. “This is Quatchi,” he whispered, tucking the little plushie underneath Aiba’s arm. “He’s a...” He bent down and squinted at the tag, trying to sound out the word. “...sasquatch.”

Aiba responded in his own sleeping way, arm tightening almost immediately around the plushie to hug it close.

“You’re on my side of the bed,” he murmured, brushing a kiss to Aiba’s temple before crawling in at his side and turning off the light.

c: aiba masaki, p: sakurai sho/aiba masaki, c: sakurai sho

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