Title: Executive Assistant 4 - Game Changer
Rating: Hard R
Characters/Pairings: Sakurai Sho/Ninomiya Kazunari; Sakurai Sho/Matsumoto Jun
Summary: Sho as CEO. Nino as his secretary.
Notes/Warnings: Remember this series? This is what happens when I write after midnight. Did I just write myself into a corner?!
There’s a new vice president for global development, and Nino’s unaccustomed to swallowing down jealousy along with his morning latte. With the pending expansion into Hong Kong, Sho’s been spending a lot of hours in his office with VP Matsumoto.
Nino’s not an idiot. Matsumoto’s an upstart with a big brain full of ideas and a bossy attitude that clashes all too well with Sho’s usual blustering. It’s just the kind of mental warfare that gets Nino’s boss fired up - in the Keio-educated region above his shoulders and the pornography-educated region between his legs.
Sho hasn’t called on Nino for any non-work related activities since he and Matsumoto started staying in the office until 9, 10 o’clock at night. Are they fucking? Nino isn’t entirely sure. The white board on Sho’s east wall’s always covered with diagrams and executive-speak, lots of pyramids and arrows and words like ‘deliverables’ and ‘accountability’ and ‘synergy.’
Masaki from the mail room’s on to the change in the air when he hands Nino a stack of interoffice envelopes and a box. “Number six, please,” Masaki says, eyes darting between the clipboard in Nino’s hand and the door to Sho’s office.
Nino scrawls close enough to number six. “There a problem?”
“Could ask you the same thing,” Masaki says, taking the clipboard back and tucking it under his arm. He makes no effort to push his mail cart out of the office. He’s a one man water cooler gossip corner, and Nino’s a bit miffed that he’s the obvious focus of Masaki’s attention.
Nino grabs his letter opener and slices through the tape sealing the box. Some books on CD for Sho to listen to in his car - all about finding inner peace and shit while staying at the top of the corporate ladder. Always a good use of company funds.
“Don’t you have work to do, Aiba?”
“When are you going to admit to yourself that you like him? You wouldn’t come in at 7:00 AM for any other boss, and you know it. You wouldn’t take in anyone else’s dry cleaning off the clock, and you sure as hell wouldn’t suck off...”
He brings the letter opener down swiftly, embedding it in the wood just shy of where Aiba’s resting his hand. Masaki just smiles and leaves. Nino leaves the letter opener where it is and unwraps the plastic on Sho’s new CDs. Aiba seems to think that Nino lives in a shoujo manga - surely in another volume or two, Sho will confess his feelings. Things will be sparkly and happy forever.
The real world doesn’t work that way.
Masaki’s distracted him, thrown him off. He enters Sho’s office with the discs, and he usually knocks. Nino always knocks. The blinds are drawn, and the whiteboard’s empty. Nino doesn’t even flinch when he sees how Sho’s got the new VP bent over his desk. Matsumoto feigns surprise for half a second, seeing Nino dump the discs on the end table by the door. He then smirks as if he’s won some game.
He has won, hasn’t he?
“Secret of Success came. You have lunch with Nakano and legal at 2:00,” Nino says as Sho’s thrusting against the VP’s ass comes to a screeching halt.
“Ninomiya, wait...” Sho cries before Nino slams the door behind him.
The letter opener’s still stuck in the desk. He opens the top drawer and sees the resignation letter inside the envelope. It’s been in the top drawer, prepared and ready since the first day Sho had Nino’s hair in his fist and Nino had Sho in his mouth. He can hear a great deal of shuffling in the office behind him - probably expensive trousers being pulled back on with haste.
Nino’s not sure what he’s feeling. It’s not like he and his boss are exclusive after all. Sho has a shiny new toy, and he was just breaking him in. Right? Then why can’t he focus on the work on his desk? On the half-dozen little pop-up windows on his computer?
Matsumoto doesn’t even look at him when he exits, walking a little strangely but just as confident as usual. Nino doesn’t hate him. It’s a waste of energy - Matsumoto just wants to run the fucking company someday, and he can’t fault him for being ambitious.
Sho follows, and he hasn’t tucked his shirt back in all the way. Ah, Nino realizes, he’s mildly repentant.
“Ninomiya, listen.”
Nino points to his watch, angry at the way his voice wavers. “Your lunch reservation’s at 2:00, I said. I’ll call down and have the car brought ‘round in twenty minutes.”
He hands Sho the envelope, and it’s far less dramatic than he’s always imagined it would be. “Two weeks. Or longer if necessary to adequately train a replacement.”
“You’re quitting?” Sho asks, dumbfounded. Nino’s a little worried that the entire company will go to hell without him, but right now, he doesn’t exactly give a shit about the company’s future. Or Sho’s.
Nino grabs his cell phone and his cigarettes, already dialing for the car service. “Smoke break. Have a nice lunch, sir.”
He’s got an interview lined up with another company by the end of the work day.