This is my first attempt at writing a drabble, for the
ar_drabbles challenge - "make us sniffle with a drabble set during or before the miniseries".
I don't know about sniffling, but it was interesting to try.
Word count: 100
Character: Laura, mention of Bill and Billy
Are you the lucky one? Not to be experiencing the gut-wrenching loss that you see, hear, feel all around you? It's just a dull ache now, not the searing grief or the numbness that is emanating from their very pores.
You're the lucky one. You won't experience this for long. The slow hopelessness will soon set in and drag them down. A few months, and it'll all be over for you.
But the look in Adama's eye when you catch him glancing at his boy. The bounce in Billy's step when he spots his girl.
You're not the lucky one.