Lots of people seem to be doing these :)
1. Post your Holiday wishlist to your LJ. Items can be fannish or not, small or extravagant. Have fun!
2. Look around your flist and grant any wishes you can to OTHERS. This includes sending actual gifts if you want!
3. Re-post your wishlist two weeks before the holiday as a reminder.
-Laura fic of any kind, either gen or with any of the numerous people I ship her with.
-Fluffy extended Adama family fic. The fluffier, the better.
-Recs for non-Laura-focused fic you guys think I would like, from what you know of my tastes.
-Someone who would be willing to work with me on pulling together a proper plan for this damn epic fic that has been percolating in my head for over a year now and is no closer to getting written than it was then. I need someone to bounce ideas off and who can help me figure out what scenes I need and what plot points will work, because I'm so bad at it.
Graphics and vids
-A new header for my journal. I don't have anything in mind for images, so surprise me! You guys know what kind of things I like.
-Laura/Lee vids. Particularly one to Run by Snow Patrol because it is stuck in my head as an L/L song, for reasons unbeknownst to me.
-Laura/Bill vids. Also one to Snow Patrol - Dark Roman Wine
-Someone to point me in the direction of some really good and easy to follow vidding tutorials, because I'm determined to get this damn Laura/Gaius vid I started finished soon, but I've kinda lost the thread of what I was doing now.
Other Stuff
-Suggestions for fun and different crafty-type things to do with a smart four year old.
-For you guys to all have awesome holiday periods :D