Meh, everyone hates the new friends page. So far we've not been forced into using it. It's optimized for tablets and mobile devices and the like, and is pretty damn ugly. There is talk of having an "opt out" but no word yet. It's LJ, you know, so unpredictable. I did get notification of a full month free due to the insane amount of outages recently.
You can opt out and go back to your old friends page now and since they introduced the new page.
Right at the top of your 'friends' page there's a pale blue bar that says "You are using.. 'New One'.. or 'Old one' okay not those exact words. Just click on the one you like best.
Yes, you can opt out for now. There has been discussion that that ability will go away, and we'll be stuck with the new page, without being able to go back and forth. There has also been discussion of giving people the option to choose. We'll see what they end up deciding to do. There was quite a lot of outrage and public uproar when the new friends page was announced that it would be replacing our customized pages eventually. I agree with the uproar. I pay for my subscription to LJ precisely so I can tailor it to my specific taste.
That's the part that disturbs me too. I read something in LJ News that sounds like once the beta test is over, we're stuck with the new one. I sincerely hope not. Like you, I want to be able to customize as I see fit. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure the new one is not also customizable (is that a word?) but I haven't taken the time to find out.
I haven't been keeping informed on the changes tbh. There were so many prolonged outages this month that I've barely been on. So far it hasn't forced me to switch....they'll have to force it on me like FB's timeline lol.
Thanks! I do too! I got it from an awesome community called layouts_ru It's all in Russian so you have to deal with google translate silliness but I think it's worth it.
A big part of the reason I have been so scarce on the ground at LJ of late is the series of outtages that happened way back. Since I just returned I seem to have missed the latest bunch, but I do have to say I'm not impressed with the changes I've seen so far, nor the fact that they are still having trouble keeping the site accessible!
Since I have a permanent account I don't get any compensation for the downtime either. But I do tire of some of the stuff that happens around FB, so I keep coming home to LJ. I guess it's like going home in RL, it feels great to be there but you still have to deal with the family assholery! ;)
That's where my layout came from too! They have some really great ones over there. Very creative, and easy to apply once you figure out that they're pretty much all Expressive Unstyled!!
Yeah, if I'm not mistaken it was you who turned me on to that community in the first place. And if not you, then it was igaboo (my elder daughter) through you. :)
Like mentioned above it's about phone apps etc. But also to stay current with other social type media like the one year old Google G+.. .. and Tumblr etc. who both have a similar clean look I guess for phones and tablets also.
Yeah I can understand the rationale without doubt. I just hope we continue to have the choice to have the old version.
How the hell are you doing anyway?
You're one of the few of my LJ friends who is still marginally active here. And since you know you're not exactly posty mcposterson, you can imagine how 'quiet' my friends page is these days. Sheesh! Used to be when I was away for a couple of days it would take hours to scroll through all the posts. Now I can be gone for a month and when I come back I can catch up easily.
Hey there darlin'! ♥ Nice to see you're still hanging around here!
Isn't this an adorable layout? Look a little closer, the 'owl' has a tail! :D And don't feel bad. I can't tell you how long I looked at it before I figured out it was a cat! Either way, I love it!
Oh, and I just went and checked out yours! It is totally awesome! Just the kind of thing I'd like to have except I have a hard time reading the white text on black background. And your default icon makes it the perfect winter layout. :D
p.s. Where did you get your layout?
BTW, remember waaaaay back when you first introduced me to LJ? You had some advice for me that I am now going to turn back around in your direction. Poooooossssttt, please! It's so much fun having this means of keeping in touch! ♥
I got my layout from that same layout community you introduced me to. the all Russian one. I've thought of going there and changing it by the season like I used to do, but I'm worried I'll never be able to get it back (and I can't remember how to change it anyway what with all the instructions being in Russian...).
It's funny. I read everything here every day, but I just don't post. It's mostly a time thing. I only have a few minutes in the morning to read while I eat my breakfast. Posting in the evening requires sequestering myself in the office for however long. Corey and I already don't get much time to be together. I also kind of figured no one cared. All of my other friends have moved over to FB. There's not really anyone on my friend's page these days besides you and Elletra.
However, now that I know you're interested, I'll try to post more. <3
It is actually ridiculously easy to change the layouts to new ones, the way things stand at least. Who knows what LJ's changes will do to that situation. You showed me how originally, based, I think, on instructions from Kristen, aka ellettra. The thing I discovered is that you really don't have to go to the bother of translating and reading the instructions each time. You just have to translate and copy and paste the code into the custom css box in your profile. Easy peasy! :)
The exodus of LJ users over to FB really is amazing, isn't it? There are less than half a dozen people on my friends list who are still posting regularly. Even the kittypix community has slowed to a trickle.
I certainly do understand that lack of time thing, especially the time to spend with your sweetie! But yeah, I think it would be awesome if we could use this format to keep up with each other's lives. ♥ ♥
Comments 18
Right at the top of your 'friends' page there's a pale blue bar that says "You are using.. 'New One'.. or 'Old one' okay not those exact words. Just click on the one you like best.
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure the new one is not also customizable (is that a word?) but I haven't taken the time to find out.
I haven't been keeping informed on the changes tbh. There were so many prolonged outages this month that I've barely been on. So far it hasn't forced me to switch....they'll have to force it on me like FB's timeline lol.
A big part of the reason I have been so scarce on the ground at LJ of late is the series of outtages that happened way back. Since I just returned I seem to have missed the latest bunch, but I do have to say I'm not impressed with the changes I've seen so far, nor the fact that they are still having trouble keeping the site accessible!
Since I have a permanent account I don't get any compensation for the downtime either. But I do tire of some of the stuff that happens around FB, so I keep coming home to LJ. I guess it's like going home in RL, it feels great to be there but you still have to deal with the family assholery! ;)
How the hell are you doing anyway?
You're one of the few of my LJ friends who is still marginally active here. And since you know you're not exactly posty mcposterson, you can imagine how 'quiet' my friends page is these days. Sheesh! Used to be when I was away for a couple of days it would take hours to scroll through all the posts. Now I can be gone for a month and when I come back I can catch up easily.
I have opted out of the new FB-esque layout as well. No point in having a cool layout if it's invisible.
Isn't this an adorable layout? Look a little closer, the 'owl' has a tail! :D And don't feel bad. I can't tell you how long I looked at it before I figured out it was a cat! Either way, I love it!
Oh, and I just went and checked out yours! It is totally awesome! Just the kind of thing I'd like to have except I have a hard time reading the white text on black background. And your default icon makes it the perfect winter layout. :D
p.s. Where did you get your layout?
BTW, remember waaaaay back when you first introduced me to LJ? You had some advice for me that I am now going to turn back around in your direction. Poooooossssttt, please! It's so much fun having this means of keeping in touch! ♥
I got my layout from that same layout community you introduced me to. the all Russian one. I've thought of going there and changing it by the season like I used to do, but I'm worried I'll never be able to get it back (and I can't remember how to change it anyway what with all the instructions being in Russian...).
It's funny. I read everything here every day, but I just don't post. It's mostly a time thing. I only have a few minutes in the morning to read while I eat my breakfast. Posting in the evening requires sequestering myself in the office for however long. Corey and I already don't get much time to be together. I also kind of figured no one cared. All of my other friends have moved over to FB. There's not really anyone on my friend's page these days besides you and Elletra.
However, now that I know you're interested, I'll try to post more. <3
The exodus of LJ users over to FB really is amazing, isn't it? There are less than half a dozen people on my friends list who are still posting regularly. Even the kittypix community has slowed to a trickle.
I certainly do understand that lack of time thing, especially the time to spend with your sweetie! But yeah, I think it would be awesome if we could use this format to keep up with each other's lives. ♥ ♥
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