Waku Waku Gakkou 2013.07.14 Osaka - Sunday evening report

Jul 22, 2013 18:03

Last Waku Waku Gakkou report ! =)

Notes :
-I was listening to Japanese, taking notes in French/English/Japanese (but mostly French), and wrote this report in English, so please be indulgent on any mistake, whether content-wise or language-wise >_< My Japanese is still intermediate so I'm pretty sure there are mistakes here and there...

I entered the dome when it opened again, found my seat and continued writing my reports. Again I was at the back of the dome, but on the second floor this time, a first for Waku Waku ! The view from above is great as well ~

It started on time ~
They appeared on screen with all their binders lined up, and came through the white door on third base this time (this morning it was first base). After the usual konnichiwa and wavings, Sho asked us to stand up, added "yoroshiku desu", then asked Ohno in a slightly high-pitched voice to make the announcement. Ohno replied with a reaaaally high "Wakarimashita" x) (So high I’m not sure that’s what he actually said… But it has been his line for all venues so far so I went with “wakarimashita”) He announced the beginning of classes normally, and then Sho messed up, he told us again "kiritsu" (to stand) instead of "ki wo tsuke" (when you upright yourself) XD Then we bowed, got back to our seats and the classes started.
Sho managed to say his cool support sentence properly tonight, because Jun didn’t jump in-between. Then it’s Aiba who tripped on his words, when he said “kikkake” x)
Afterwards Sho announced the noticing things corner, asking us if we had accepted their challenge. They showed us a truck parked in the main road leading to the dome, right after the subway exit, and... The voice saying "back shimasu, gochuui kudasai" (Attention, the vehicle is going into reverse) was done by Nino XDDDD Of course, he imitated a woman's voice hahaha No one noticed it though. So they changed turns (all members were in a white room and Nino was speaking in a kind of small remote control) and Jun tried it, in a really high-pitched voice. Again, no success x) Then Aiba tried, he said it three times consecutively, no reaction, and Nino asked Aiba how long he was gonna say it lol Sho and Ohno tried afterwards, all members doing it in a really funny high-pitched voice (Nino to Ohno : You were completely an onee ! lol) but again, no reaction. People did notice and wave at the camera though, but that was all. Even when they asked in the dome who had noticed, no one raised their hand, even the camera (who had spotted it) didn't get many raised hands. That’s why Sho said this time, the battle ended in Arashi’s victory, and he did his kime pose x)

Nino’s lesson ~
When they went to their seats, Jun repeated in that funny voice “Back shimasu. Gochuui kudasai” haha
This time, the dream was one that Sho has been doing ever since his childhood ~ It seems like the last time he saw it was before an audition though (Johnny’s audition ?). The dream’s contents : a wee contest XDDD Sho was first HAHAHA When he got first place, he started wondering if it wasn’t a dream though, and felt a bit wet. Apparently he had actually wet his bed. The specialist explanation for this dream : well not really complicated, his bladder was just full so… Something may have been added on the second slide on screen, but I didn’t write anything more than this explanation. Then there was some talk (I’m really not sure about this part, so take it with a grain of salt), where members asked him when he stopped wetting his bed. Sho answered during primary school (3rd-4th grade ?), and members told him he was fast ; Sho : “That’s why I was first” lol
The members’ results appeared on screen, with Jun first and Oh-chan last with 52 points lol Members teased Ohno for his score, and Nino said he would study Ohno’s case again because he surely learnt something from last time. Nino wanted to call the suya suya set but burst into laughs XD He took a deep breath and did again, but laughed after saying it anyway haha
A bed appeared on stage, it had white sheets and a pale green towel blanket. The sheets were loose and Ohno explained he liked them like that. As for his pajamas, he showed a white t-shirt and said “tanpan desu” (These are shorts), to which Nino replied curtly that one could see by looking lol Ohno went into bed, lying down with his fingers crossed on his chest. He didn’t have a pillow, and explained he has shelves behind his bed and likes having a part of his head resting on this shelf, even though it’s hard (he likes that actually). He also talked about listening to healing (?) music recently (I think I’ve heard healing, but then again, I suck at understanding Japanese’s Engrish). Oh-chan explained he slept with music, to which Nino replied he was asking about his wake up lol (Nino had a sharp tongue during that part x)) So Ohno explained he slept with music and woke up with it, as in he lets music on during his whole sleep.
Then it was time for the results, and Nino said he was glad Ohno learnt from last time. He added “Ohno, do you think you’ll fall down ?”, and Ohno wasn’t sure how to answer but was like “But I’m sleeping on a bed now ! I’m doing things properly ! So… Shouldn’t it be alright ?” (It’s completely from my memory and impressions, not from notes). In the end, his score was… 55 points XDDD The bed got elevated, then inclined, and at this last part, the bed always slides a bit, so it surprises and frightens members everytime x) Also, Ohno was more afraid than with the sofa, because he really felt his body could slide on the bed haha When he felt down, Ohno started screaming “Chaaa” when the bed was released, then some kind of “Uuuuuuh”, followed by a “This is really scary” lol Again, the bed went farther than the green thing covering the base, and Ohno’s position was arms and legs spread. He got back on stage while asking for the reason of his results, and Nino told him that him sleeping on a bed was great, but his pajamas and the music were bad. It’s good to wake up with music, but not to sleep with. As for Ohno’s absence of pillow, it was unbelievable to the specialist haha Thus, Nino explained Oh-chan had got three more points compared to last time, because he had learnt XD
Then Sho asked Ohno how he slept yesterday night at the hotel. He talked about the two chairs/armchairs there were in his room, and slept on them forming a kind of bed by putting them facing each other. Apparently the staff had set it up for him, so he gave his “ok” (he made a circle with his right thumb and index while saying it) and slept on that lol So yeah, Ohno’s still not properly sleeping on a bed XD
Afterwards Nino talked about the survey results from Tokyo, then said he would read mails from Aiba’s date from yesterday. In the first mail, the dreamer was on a matsuri date with Nino, and Aiba was making yakisoba. The dreamer proposed to help, and in the end missed the last train. Thus Aiba proposed to come to his house, and there… They found Ohno sleeping on a sofa XDD
The second mail was from a small boy, and he was fishing with Aiba in a matsuri (since Aiba had had the kind of matsuri landing net in his hand yesterday). When Aiba saw he was going to loose again the boy, he cheated so the boy cried in the end. And then, Johnny came to apologize for Aiba’s behaviour HAHAHA Everyone was surprised Johnny had appeared in the dream x)
In the third mail, Sho was a vendor in all the matsuri stalls. At some point, he said “Oi, you ! Switch places with me”, and I didn’t note who he said that to, though I have a feeling it may have been Aiba, not the dreamer. Really note sure though…
Lastly, Nino announced that tonight, it would be a barbecue date with Arashi ! =D Sho said “BBQ” twice, and told us his voice may appear in our dreams x) The members went in front of the beach panel, and Aiba had the buoy on his waist and hold the mask and tuba in one hand, wondering to wear it or not lol (He didn’t in the end) Everyone except Nino hold a meat skewer in their hand, and they all made comments during the time we had to look at them on screen. Jun said two-three times (overall count) “Kue yo !” (Eat it !) while shoving the meat towards the screen, Nino asked us to come twice, Sho told us twice he wasn’t going to give us his meat (lol), Aiba said once to go swimming in the sea with him, and Oh-chan was the last one to say something, and it was related to meat, but I forgot what it was T_T (I didn’t take notes when we had to scent the card and imprint their image in our minds) After Ohno, Jun, Nino and Sho repeated their sentences.

Sho’s lesson !
Sho asked who liked money, so Nino shouted "Hai !" and Sho commented Jun had also raised his hand quickly lol Aiba said he wanted to raise his hand but it was hard to (since Sho says afterwards that Japanese don't like to talk about money).
We got the okane quiz, and the first question was A a kind of rake and B a line marker (for a baseball field for example). Juntoshi chose A, Aimiya B. Ohno's explanation : from the outside A seems cheaper, but maybe it's hard to make so is expensive. Aiba's reasoning : in school there's only one line marker, while there are several rakes. When the audience clapped, it was slightly in favour of B. Results : A was 4500 yen, Jun guessed 3800 yen for B (he was asked by Sho), but B ended up costing 10,000 yen x)
Second question, Sho was supposed to say again "docchi ga takai desu ka" (Which one is more expensive), but he messed up haha A was an blackboard eraser cleaner, B a speaker. Everyone chose A (me included, and the audience). Nino's explanation : A is to make a blackboard cleaner, while B is found everywhere, not only in schools. Jun talked about speakers system in school (didn't get everything), then said that if B wasn't a special speaker, then A has to be more expensive. Results : A cost 15,000 yen, B 4500 yen. Sho wasn't really happy because there hadn't been any moriagatta koto XD (It's literally something that makes you hyped up, but in this case, it's more like there wasn't any surprise for this question since we all agreed on A) Nino and Jun's explanations were right, and incidentally, Sho said a blackboard eraser cost 400 yen. He talked about the famous prank where you put an eraser on top of a door, so the person opening it gets it on their head, and asked to stop that lol Aiba, on the other hand, was wondering if this prank was still done x) Sho said he didn't know but in any case, to stop doing it.
Nino was taking notes (he said in Bay storm he's challenging himself to take as much notes as possible), and we got the video on the pencil.

Aiba’s lesson !
He asked members if they were hungry, and :
Sho : Exactly.
Jun : That’s good sensei !
Nino : It’s just the right time.
We got the video, and they moved to the cooking stage. Jun went to see Aiba at the cooking table, they talked a bit and Jun made an ok sign. Around the end of the video Sho laughed, though I don’t know why.
Aiba asked members what they wanted to eat, so Sho said asparagus, Nino corn, and Aiba said he wanted to try a challenge. He wanted to surpass the Napolitan pastas from the morning, and announced asparagus and corn kakiage (fried food) ! Sho warned him to be careful about burns (it’d be bad for concerts and stuff), and they all looked pretty concerned at Aiba making fried food XD (Which we all agreed on lol) That’s why Aiba announced Jun as his assistant. Reason : if Jun’s beside him, he feels secure ~
So Jun joined him, and Aiba started peeling the corn with a peeler made especially for corn (it kind of looks like a computer mouse, with a transparent reservoir getting the peeled corn). They were pretty impressed by it, and asked the audience to clap if they knew about it (they assumed they didn’t), but lots of people clapped lol (The girl beside me was like “Oh, I saw that on TV the other day !” when she saw it in Aiba’s hands XD) So they were impressed how the peeler was working well and how many people knew it, and then… The peeler dislocated in Aiba’s hand hahaha Jun said “Aiba-san… ?”, Aiba put it back together quickly, and then Jun asked what did he have to do. Aiba repeated that him being by his side was enough haha
Afterwards, Aiba poured four seconds of tenpurako (tempura flour) in a bowl, and asked Jun to pour water on it. Jun asked Aiba to count it then, and the result was 6 seconds lol Aiba poured the dough in a bowl containing cut asparagus and corn, and mixed everything. At some point, Aiba said something random, and Jun asked him to whom he was talking to haha
Next, Aiba poured the mix on four baking papers, and people around me commented that he had poured too much on the first two and not so much was left for the other two x) At that moment Aiba realized something was bad (he shouted “yabai” suddenly), it had to do with the wok. It seems like the oil in the wok was supposed to be at 180°, not higher, and that’s precisely what it was, so he turned the temperature a bit down. Then he poured the baking papers with the mix on it in the wok, and apparently the temperature goes a bit down when you put something in the oil.
Afterwards Aiba mixed salt and curry powder (I think it was curry powder), and when asked for how many seconds by Sho, Aiba replied “One one” x) Again, Jun, who hadn’t been doing much ever since the beginning, asked what he was supposed to do, but Aiba repeated that he felt relaxed if he was there. And then, when Aiba was turning upside down a kakiage, or when he tried to get rid of one baking paper…
Oil flew out of the wok, and pretty badly at that. We all clearly saw it on screen, and the camera wasn’t even that zoomed on them >< Personally I’ve never seen that much going out while cooking friend food… Some of it ended near Aiba’s right elbow, and we all screamed.
Nino : Why did you have to make fried food for the last time ? (in a kind of scolding tone with the idea of “yacchatta…” (You did it in the end…))
Aiba was mostly fine and went on, but he did say once it hurt ._. He took out an utensil (which I forgot the name in French so can’t translate it, but basically it’s round, flat and has a sort of net) to prevent the oil from flying on him again, and asked Jun to hold it (Jun was like “What ? Holding it ?” (Idea : I finally have to do something and that’s it ? lol)). So Jun hold it vertically to the wok, before Aiba, and Aiba took out the kakiage from the right side. At some point he remembered staff had given him a kind of black mitten covering his whole arm in case too much oil was flying out, and put it on. So he was taking out the kakiage, which still had the baking paper glued to it (people around me commented it didn’t seem cooked enough x), when… He took out an utensil from the wok XDDD No one knew how it had ended up in it, but members picked on him that it definitely wasn’t something to fry and eat hahaha Again, Sho said he would definitely want to see Aiba’s cooking TV show XD Completely support the idea \o/
Then Aiba put one kakiage in each plate (three sequins stripes with one Waku Waku logo on it), and Nino complained his was tattered lol They ate, said umai, and Aiba replied he was glad (while wiping his sweat with a towel), he didn’t want to fail for the last time. He said two or three times “yokatta desu”, you could feel he really was relaxed everything ended well.
Next Aiba announced the main dish, and when he presented the asparagus and corn to members (neatly divided in two parts in the plate), members made a dubious face, with Sho saying two “Hai ?”. Jun took an asparagus and found it sweet, Sho and Nino ate some corn and we laughed and said “kawaii” x) Hearing our response, Sho ate his corn more vigorously haha Oh-chan too ate corn ~
They disappeared right after the video was launched, since they only had one kakiage to eat anyway. Nino walked back on stage in an exaggerated walk x)
Jun went to the teacher’s desk to take something, and I noticed two square things on it : two small screens maybe ?
The video ended, the farmers’ quotes appeared, and Aiba messed up a reading lol Of course members teased him, and Aiba asked for a second take x) So he said again his sentence, and the usual talk on seasonal vegetables went on.

Jun’s lesson !
It was 6:21 pm at that time, though Jun didn’t mention anything about that like in Tokyo.
The bell from Oomori high school ran, and the small hammers actually hit threads, not a metallic plate.
Then Jun announced “omoikkiri hashitte miyou !” and did the fist kime pose, followed by Happiness playing while the title appeared on screen. When Happiness ended (we always clap to its rhythm), Sho shouted “Happiness !” lol
Next, each member draw a ball at the same time, and there was an allusion to Dragon Ball XD Sho picked the golden ball, and made a surprised face with mouth open x) Then they went down the stage, running, so Nino commented “As expected, everyone is in a good condition”, implying if he had been able to, he wouldn’t have run down the slope… And yet, he was the one who didn’t run in the morning lol
Ohno mumbled something to Sho while going down, so Jun asked what he said but Ohno and Sho stayed silent x) On the starting line, the order was Aiba, Nino, Ohno and Sho. Sho jogged while waving to the audience, and the other members ran really closely for a third of the dome (me : Did you all decide to run together and not at full force ? XD Because there was no way Aiba was at the same level as Nino and Ohno, and even Ohno on the same level as Nino was weird x)). Nino even bypassed Aiba for a few seconds, but Aiba bypassed him again. So they ran together until three quarters of the dome, and then Aiba made his last spurt ~ I knew he was restraining himself x) Thus Aiba ended up a quarter of the dome after Ohno and Nino. Positions-wise, Sho had run about half the dome, Ohno and Nino almost one lap and Aiba had run more than one. He commented that the second venue was indeed tiring… Jun congratulated Nino for his running, and after final waves, Sho ran the stage stairs in a robot-like manner.
Then it was time for Jun’s 20 year old letter, and he asked Nino to read it. Nino was still catching his breath, so he replied “Ganbarimasu” lol
After the reading, Jun mentioned things that had happened ever since he wrote the letter, like the Asia tour, an event like Waku Waku in Kyocera Dome, concerts in Kokuritsu… Thinking about these, he said that there can’t be anything else but gratitude towards the members and fans.
Then he chose someone in the audience to read their letter, and tonight it was third base, aisle 20, row 5, number 321. It was a small girl, and when she replied “konnichiwa” to Jun’s one, everyone went “kawaii !” ; her voice was so high-pitched ! So high-pitched it didn’t go well sometimes with the mic…
Her name was Misaki, 8 (Jun : Oh, the youngest who read her letter in all venues), from Sakai-shi. When she began reading her letter (which didn’t start like everyone else with “To the me in ten years” but right away with “I’m currently in third grade and 8 years old” x)), Jun pursed his lips not to laugh at her cuteness ~ We all kinda suppressed a laugh at the beginning actually.
She said that by the time she’ll read her letter, she’ll be 18, so will have just graduated from high school. She wants to work right away, and maybe decide of her goal for the future at that time ? Not sure about that part. She also mentioned she likes singing and dancing so would like to be an idol. If not an idol, she’d also like to be a kindergarten teacher.
Afterwards Jun talked a bit about the dreams she had spoken about, asking her if she liked dancing and singing (yes), and if she was currently doing it (yes as well). Sho : Since you’ve told your dream in front of so many people, Sakurai says you can already become an idol right away (or you’re already used to being an idol ? not sure about the verb used in “nareru you ni”, and didn’t get the middle part of the sentence… T_T). Ganbatte yo !
Right away, Jun followed Sho’s comment by : “Do you know Arashi ?” LOL He also asked about her ichiban, Sho !
Then Jun asked her mother who was seating beside her if it had been the first time she heard about her daughter’s dreams (no), and when asked about what she thought about it, she replied she had already told her daughter to stop dreaming about that (the idol dream I think, I didn’t grasp everything the mother said). We all burst out laughing at the down-to-earth answer, and members said laughingly to tell her about reality afterwards since she was still 8 XD
They also told Misaki her to do her best, and that was it for this corner.
Next, video letter !
Tonight, Jun announced that it would be an Arashi video letter !! =D Jun took the camera and members started making a circle with him, but Jun asked them to line up. Order : Aiba, Nino, Sho and Ohno (Sho switched places with Ohno, at first I thought it was about seniority but Aiba and Nino weren’t in the right order so I’m not sure why he did that…). Nino started beforehand with an “Arashi desu” to Jun’s “ii desu ne” (“this is good”, when they were all lining up) but the real take hadn’t really begun yet.
Aiba started the video with a “Doumo. Konnichiwa. Arashi desu (all members saying it). It’s a letter to Arashi in ten years, but to begin with, is Arashi still going on ? Because ten years is a long period of time and we can’t know what will happen during it.” He then hoped they were all doing well, and said that maybe, new members had joined Arashi (everyone laughed and was like “What ?”, and members picked on Aiba-chan on that point of course x)). Aiba mentioned how he’d like to still be doing concerts in ten years, no matter where, and said he hoped to see this video with all five of them, it would be the best. Then Jun asked what Nino thought of that, and he said that he couldn’t imagine what would the ten years later future be like, since so many things could happen. But he hoped they’d still be working like now, and be together. Sho mentioned that next month Jun is turning 30 so all members will be in their thirties, and probably will all be 40 when they’ll see this video. Some laughs from us, and Sho-chan asked us why we were laughing haha He then said that even if they turn 40, 50, 60… No, he changed his mind and said that from their fourties, fifties, sixties, yeah, they’ll be super boys (Bokura wa yappari, 40 ni natte mo, 50 ni natte mo, 60 ni natte mo, ya, 40 ni natte kara koso, 50 ni natte kara koso, 60 ni natte kara koso, sou sa bokura wa super boys). He wanted them to become even more super boys, and concluded with "from the former super boys". For Ohno’s speech, he said that if the five of them were watching this video with happy faces, it’s enough for him (gonin da ne, shiawase na kao de mitetara, mou manzoku desu). He also talked about wearing again their transparent debut outfits, but other members told him it wasn’t a good idea at 40 LOL
Jun : You aren’t serious, right ?
Ohno : Nope !
Afterwards Sho took the camera from Jun, and he joined the members, getting between Aiba and Nino.
Jun asked if they were continuing Arashi, and mentioned how he’d like to still have concerts with everyone. Then he talked about his goal : that in ten years, those who are now children will be glad to have listened to Arashi in their childhood. Jun finished with “yoroshiku onegaishimasu” (at least two, maybe three ?) directed to members, and Ohno was asked to conclude the video. He said something like “Ten years later Arashi, where are you now ? Bye !” (Juunen go no bokura, ima doko ni iru n de ? Ja ne !) then silence XDD Members immediately gathered around him and picked on him, how that could be all for the closing comment (we all waited for the next part after the “ja ne” lol), and how, when he had pointed towards the camera at the end, his index went down while he said it hahaha (That part was so Arashi-like <3 Really heart-warming ~) Members asked Riida to do it again, and this time the camera was handed to a staff so Sho joined them. Riida said “Oi, juunen go no Arashi, (all, in a low voice :) matteru yo !” (Wait for us, the us in ten years later !) and they all pointed towards the camera at the “matteru yo” ~ Oh-chan’s index went down again though so Aiba hid it with his hands while everyone was laughing XD To finish it, Jun made a movie clap movement with his hands, saying it was the end.
Really, this video was so funny and so Arashi-like… Pure awesomeness !
However, have to admit I missed lots of things, too much stuff was said and there was so much to see at the same time… T_T I’m sure I made mistakes here and there as well, sorry ><
Jun concluded, saying it’d be nice if they could meet us again in ten years to see this video. Ten years is a long time and stuff (basically what had been said before), but he hoped that would happen.

Ohno’s lesson ~
Nakama as the theme, and what came to members’ mind :
Sho : Sports.
Jun : Isn’t it Arashi ? There was a video letter before as well.
Aiba also agreed on Arashi, and Ohno went on with Arashi without Nino having said a word lol Then he asked why they had become friends :
Nino : Because we met.
Jun : Time !
Sho : (Couldn’t grasp it)
Jun : Because of Johnny-san.
Laughs, then Ohno said it was the right answer XD Nino or Sho : So it was a quiz ? lol
We got the two videos, and in the 5x10 footage, Sho repeated “tank top” after Ohno’s voice. At the magazine picture (the double tank tops), he pointed his index towards us and agitated it.
For Jun, when his 13 years old photo appeared, he mimicked it again tonight ! =D So hands half a fist (his fingers were curled in but not on his palm ; basically, it’s the first movement you do when you uncurl your fingers from a fist) around his chin, lips a bit pursed to make them look cute and lots of eye batting XDD
When the video ended, Jun complained he wasn’t undressing everywhere, and Sho said the speech at the end was good (they met by chance, but Ohno wants to believe it’s fate), but the personality traits… Then Nino told Oh-chan he said he was cool at 14 (there’s a small part on Ohno after all the pairings, just before the ending talk, and Ohno’s narration does say he was cool at 14), but Nino told him he’s wrong lol (Anata wa cool ja nai yo XD) He just stays silent hahaha
Then to prove his point, Nino showed how he had seen Ohno sleep when they were younger lol He slumped on his left side on the table, put his left arm under his head and his left hand was on his right ear XD
They went back on talking about personality traits, and Jun repeated that he wasn’t undressing everywhere. Nino added he wasn’t undressed now either. Ohno : “Ma, ima… (Idea : well, maybe not now, but… lol) Sho then asked Oh-chan to say again “doko demo nugu” like in the video (he says it in a high-pitched voice), so Ohno obliged him with a “doko demo nugu MatsuJun !” which made us laugh x)
Ohno said that well, they all had their personalities, and then Sho said only one was really bad… XD At that point Aiba jumped in the conversation, saying that no, he wasn’t an one hahaha Nino : That’s because you didn’t notice it yet ! But I did ! LOL Sho : Everyone please don’t write on Twitter or Facebook that Aiba is an onee HAHAHA Aiba repeated strongly that he wasn’t an onee, and added that he liked women ! Of course, screams x) There was a bit more talk on Nino trying to make Aiba saying he was an onee and Aiba denying it, and then we changed corners.
Again, when Sho was put in charge of bloc A, he raised his arms and said “yoroshiku onegaishimasu”. For B bloc we had some funny comments again, but I forgot them since I couldn’t write down while standing… But Oh-chan did tell us to remain standing until the end lol
When Nino was assigned bloc C, he did the fist kime pose. For Jun’s assignment, he snapped twice towards the camera, but again, without smiling. Finally, for bloc E, there was a bit of training then Ohno told them to stop, because doing it for a long time hurts and there was still the real take afterwards x)
So we did it, and again, my bloc could properly do the A.RA.SHI furitsuke ~ Afterwards Aiba asked Oh-chan for us if we could sit down lol

Classes ended, and they sang Furusato. When they rode the hanamichi, Jun told his barbecue line “Everyone, have some meat !” (Minna niku kue yo !), Aiba told us to pay attention to fried food and not to be picky, then added “I’m not an onee ! Arigatou !” hahaha Members picked on his “arigatou”, how it could be related to him being an onee or not XD Afterwards, Sho said : “My personality trait… *gets rid of his shirt and shows his muscles several times* Arigatou, tank top !” Ohno mentioned something about us wearing tank tops afterwards, but didn’t grasp it ._.
When they arrived at the back of the dome, they reminded us quickly of their lesson contents, and Sho put back his shirt between Aiba and Jun’s comments. It was funny to see him talk completely seriously while buttoning his shirt haha (He had a minor problem with one middle button by the way, it was even more funny to see him stay expressionless nonetheless x)) Then they walked towards the white door, Jun telling us we’ll meet again in November, and Sho saying they’ll wait in Kokuritsu. Riida was the last to leave again ~ He made an exaggerated serious expression while raising his left palm vertically, while Sho was slowly sliding the door at the same time. Sho almost closed the door when Ohno did two wipers movement with his left hand according to the music rhythm (Sho tried to go accordingly with the door but it was too sudden and too quick for him to follow), then Sho finally closed the door.
I didn’t look at my watch when it ended, but it was probably around 7:30 pm.

So 60 pages of notes (one Waku Waku report pad completed and another started) and two dead pens later, that’s it for my Waku Waku adventures… It was really fun, and I’m glad I could assist to all venues and thus, see all sleeping habits and video letters ~ =) My seats were either on the front or the back of the dome, so my scenery didn’t change much but that was fine, I got lucky on my seats I thought ^w^

Next and last reports before a long time, will hopefully be Arafes !


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