Only I could turn 100 words into 17 words too many...

Aug 25, 2003 18:22

This week's farscapefriday topic was "betrayal." Which, being the Blake's 7 fan I am, is a subject dear to my heart. :) And it's quite an appropriate challenge when it comes to Farscape, too... As I said over there, who needs to invent betrayals when there are so many of them right there in the canon?

By the way, this piece is too short to be an actual drabble. It wasn't originally, but somebody commented that the last couple of sentences were kind of extraneous and reduced the impact, and I think they're right. So I brutally excised them. If you want to see the original version with the last two sentences intact, it's here. If anybody else has any opinions on which version is superior, I'd be happy to hear them.

Anyway. Here 'tis. Spoilers for the 4th season's "Prayer."

Tell Me It Isn't Real

This can't be happening. He can't kill you. Crichton has always been your friend. No, more than that. Even though you've never frelled, he's always been there for you, always been kind and affectionate. Like a big brother, a substitute Nerri. And ever since the Mix-Up, there's been a piece of Aeryn inside you, too. Even though they were both with someone else, you know how they felt about each other. Both of you love him. He can't pull the trigger. He can't.
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