This was written for the FC Labor Day party, but I figured I might as well post it here, too. The theme was "teleport duty" (well, or "shore leave," but I didn't use that one). 100 words. AU branching from episode three.
Calculated Risk
"I suppose you're right, Avon," Jenna said with a reluctant sigh. "If Blake hasn't called by now, he probably isn't going to."
"He is probably dead," said Avon. "I told him it was a stupid risk. We simply haven't sufficient data on how the teleport works."
"What a waste," said Jenna. "All right, Avon. It looks like we're going with your plan after all. I'll take the ship out of orbit."
Avon smiled a disturbingly innocent smile and patted the teleport controls as she left.
Down on Cygnus Alpha, a shapeless blob of living matter quivered once and was still.