NOTE: As of Jan. 2018, this list is no longer being updated. For my more recent fic, please see
my AO3 works list.
Master Index of My Stories
Blake's 7:
Longer storiesDrabbles and ficlets Doctor Who:
Longer storiesDrabbles and ficlets Farscape:
Longer storiesDrabbles and ficlets Once Upon a Time:
Longer storiesDrabbles and ficlets The Pretender:
Longer storiesDrabbles and ficlets Miscellaneous fandoms:
All stories, sorted by fandom A few notes:
"Miscellaneous fandoms" currently includes: Angel, The Avengers, Babylon 5, The Big Bang Theory, Calvin & Hobbes, "Expert Judgment on Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant", Firefly, Forever Knight, Fullmetal Alchemist, Futurama, Harry Potter, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, House, Lexx, The Mentalist, Merlin, Numb3rs, physics (anthropomorfic), Pinky & the Brain, Quantum Leap, Red Dwarf, Rick & Morty, Sapphire & Steel, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Star Trek: TOS, Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek reboot, Star Wars, Stargate SG-1, Supernatural, Torchwood, Undertale, Universal Paperclips, Venture Bros, The Walking Dead, and Welcome to Night Vale, either by themselves or in crossovers with other fandoms.
"Longer stories" includes anything over about 1,000 words, plus a few shorter pieces that were written for ficathons. (And, yes, the fact that I consider 1,000 words "long" probably does tell you something about my writing.)
For the "longer stories," I've included a summary sentence, a rating (with appropriate, if sometimes vague, warnings), a rough word count, and a mention of what ficathon or challenge it was written for, if any. For the drabbles and ficlets, I've mostly included only characters/pairings, and warnings where I think they're necessary. In many cases, there will be more information, specific warnings, etc, on the story post itself. (By the way, while I like to think the ratings and warnings used on my stories are fairly self-explanatory, but you can find some additional clarification on the subject
Crossovers are listed under each of the fandoms involved.
There are a lot of drabbles and ficlets, especially in the Farscape section. Some of them were cranked out for various silly challenges, some of them get kind of redundant, and by the time I finished writing 100 Stark ficlets for
fanfic100, I will admit that I was scraping the bottom of my inspiration barrel. But I've included them all, anyway, if only because it was easier than deciding which ones were actually worthwhile.
I will attempt to keep this list updated when new stories are posted.
If anybody sees any problems with this, such as broken links, let me know. I'd be a little surprised if I hadn't messed something up somewhere.