Title: Satisfying reward
Pairing: Inoo Kei x Yabu Kouta
Genre: Smut, Fluffy (how is a smut supposed to be fluffy?)
Rating: NC-17 (oops I’m minor)
Disclaimer: Kei and Yabu are mine- okay no, they belong to each other. But I own the story.
Summary: Yabu needs to finish his assignment, but has no motivation. Inoo then comes up with a deal… (it sucks
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Comments 8
*grinning happily~*
They're so hot~
I wish they have more more more rounds *pleading*
and I wish I can see it *whacked hardly*
Kyaaaaaah~ They're just so perfect and ... hot hot hot together~
and this -> “Not too rough, okay? I still wanna walk, tomorrow...” the raven-haired guy pleaded. -- It makes me laughs ahahaha~
Thank you for this nee~
I love it!
Of course, they will have more rounds
but not tonight, Kei-chan is exhausted and Yabu-kun is busy ne~
But be sure they will have lots and lots and lots of rounds in the future //buried by Inoobu
after through a tiring long day this is such a medicine! XDD
thanks for writing it!
please do make another smut neee XD
I'll try to write another smut, don't worry~
uwaah my mind is definitely no longer innocent =x=
thanks for sharing this
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