(no subject)

Feb 04, 2007 06:22

For reference, have some of his app ♥

 Name/Nick; Pitseleh
LJ name: pitseleh_smith 
E-mail: Cape_Quod@Yahoo.com
AIM/messenger: Cape Hoc [AIM]

 [series]: The Princess Bride (The movie, mainly if not 100%, because while I prefer the book, it doesn’t really offer additional insight into Westley’s, forgiving added scenes and longer monologues, and the characters presented are almost identical, so I’ll stick with the better-known version)
[character]: Westley

 [character history / background]: Have a wiki, because I can. If you need me to write one or more of one out for you, though, I’d be happy to.

 [character abilities]: On the most basic level, Westley is a natural human with no inborn strengths. Aside from that, canonically, and to put it flatly, he has the amazing ability to be really, really good at anything that he really, really sets his mind to. That may sound like a bit much if you ignore the details.

So here are some details:

Westley is extremely dedicated to certain causes, those being Buttercup, Buttercup, Buttercup, his own survival, and Buttercup, in that order of importance. If he needs to do something, and that something involves Buttercup, he’ll do it, and he’ll excel at it, with lots of panache and witty catch-lines.

However, that doesn’t mean he’ll do it really quickly. It took him five years to finally become proficient enough to rescue Buttercup. He trained in swordsmanship, poisons, geography, languages, hunting and tracking, and tactics. He’s very adaptable to situations, of course, but that doesn’t mean he’s invincible. He can be overwhelmed, though there’s no canon support of him ever being overwhelmed, he’s just human and it’d be stupid to assume it can’t happen.

So if Westley puts his mind and 100% of his efforts towards a goal, he’d be able to accomplish it. There are very few things that he sets his mind to 100%, though, aside from the things on his list (Buttercup, Buttercup, Buttercup, his own survival, and Buttercup) ...possibly the lives of friends and allies, but I wouldn’t write it in stone.

[character personality]: First and foremost, Westley is an egoist. He thinks that he’s awesome, which is for the most part fine, because he kind of is; he’s never failed at any task that he finds paramount, and it’s quite possible that he never will. Thus, he thinks he’s awesome. The only person he thinks more awesome than himself is Buttercup, she’s the only person he’s sacrifice himself for, much less anyone else. So long as she’s safe, he doesn’t really care what the hell happens, so long as he remains safe, also, so that they can spend the rest of their lives together. He’d sacrifice almost anyone or anything for himself (with various levels of doubt and hesitation depending on the thing or person in question) and sacrifice all of that and himself for Buttercup (with no hesitation)!

He’s selfish, but not openly so, as much as he has no qualms about breaking the law if it’s for a good reason (Buttercup, Buttercup, Buttercup, his own survival, and Buttercup) but won’t because it’s too much trouble and brings too much attention to himself.

He doesn’t like people stepping on his (large-ish) sense of pride, and if someone insults Buttercup, they’re lucky if he stops before he kills them.

He’s very cunning and charming because he... likes to be, it feeds into his ego, partially, and also it’s easier to move around when one is well-liked. He is also very sarcastic, again probably because he can, and he enjoys it. He speaks in a very dignified manner, and is very self-important.

He can come off as somewhat of a prick, at times, seeing as he doesn’t feel the need to act respectfully around others, to the old or people of a higher station or social class. He’ll insult when insult is due, and edits himself but little in the face of others. He doesn’t boast or brag overtly, but will occasionally mention his various strengths and talents; he sees no need to lie about it.

Though he does care about himself, he doesn’t care for his looks so much as not looking slovenly. Besides that, he doesn’t care if he’s covered in dirt or disheveled, so long as he's got a good reason for becoming that way.

He has a penchant for the dramatic, and will be as theatrical as he feels the need to be, though that doesn’t extend to pyrotechnics so much as always seeming dashing and well put-together.

[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: Post-movie, by the book timeline (if you wish), just as they’re riding off, post the World’s Best Kiss, but just. If it’s alright with everyone in modland, he’ll have that white horse he was riding with him and everything.


That 4th wall: Westley is from a cult-classic movie and a semi-prevalent book, and thus it’s just fine and dandy with everyone involved if your character recognizes him, but be aware that,

1→ Westley will not thank you for it if you call him a fictional character, more-than-likely it’ll piss him off,
2→ it’s fine if your character recognizes him from the book/movie but not if they use the knowledge to advance themselves in-game (eg, your character finding him funny or amusing because he’s from the game? Fine. Your character purposefully avoiding him or not confronting him because they know what he is? Fine. You character going and saying that they know him, know his story, and proceeding to use his past against him? Not fine. That’s infomodding, no biscuit. Basically, using the knowledge defensively is okay, but not offensively). If you’re not sure which is which or what exactly I mean, feel free to ask me here or in Email/AIM (listed above)
3→ if your character says they know of him, but not that he’s fictional, it’s fine and may somewhat boost his ego just a bit

I don’t really expect to have any problems with this, because it’s not happened to me before, but I figure since he’s a pretty well-known dude, I’d just put it out there as a heads up. Better safe than sorry and all.

Those Icons: Westley’s icons are arranged into three categories,

→Roberts (R) for mask-wearing,
→Westley/Roberts (WR) for wearing black but no mask 
→Westley (W) for the farm-boy bit.

They’re like that because Westley rarely says what he really thinks and is perfectly fine with lying about how he really feels about someone else if he’s going to be in a situation with little control, which he will frequently be in-game (He rarely lies about his true intentions in-canon, but in-canon he’s also rarely in the situations he’ll find himself in-game, and so have some liberties). Thus, a good way to tell how comfortable or friendly he is with your character is by which icons he’s using.

→Roberts icons, when he’s wearing a mask, indicate very little kinship between the two. He’s guarding himself, wearing a mask, etc.
→Westley/Roberts icons, he’s warming up to them or feeling relatively comfortable. It’s an in-between the two maxims. 
→Westley icons, when he’s really feeling comfortable and not lying that much if at all, really.

I’m mentioning this because I can, because it’ll halt confusing, and because, damnit, if I’m going to put this much thought and effort into his icons, you’re gonna hear about it.

If you get his default icon several times in a row, simply disregard it, I sometimes operate from a computer that wont let me log in except for transiently, thus only default icons. So, until I get home, you’re on your own for that front, if that’s the case.

What name he has your character call him is vaguely the same as the icon bit, though in the end he will answer to anything.

That Book/Movie: Westley is 96% if not all from the movie, not the book. While I’ve read the book and prefer it over the movie, it’s simply easier to base the character from the events in the movie because I can rewatch it faster and it’s simpler and it’s better-known and the Book!Westley and the Movie!Westley are more-less the exact same.

That being said, some bits of the book will sneak through, like that he knows what America is, for example, and went sailing because he was going there, and like Buttercup having a horse named ‘Horse’, etc.

In the end, though, the major events, like Pit of Despair/Zoo of Death, are from the movie (so it’s the Pit of Despair, no zoos for you), simply because it’s easier on me and both roads lead to the same place. If you’ve got some problem with this... feel free to tell me, but, for the most part... too... bad.

That Fake Country: Westley is from Florin. He’s Florinese. He speaks English, because I don’t see why not, and he’s mostly uneducated about the past of Florinese history, because I’m not S Morgenstern and I don’t feel like making up the past of a fake country, and I can’t see him as having any reason to study Florinese history anyhow. The same goes for Guilder.

If you ask him, he’ll simply say that it’s not surprising you’ve never heard of the place, it’s rather unremarkable, and akin to England for most manners of state and society save that it’s warmer. Anything else will be met with the dreaded Rapid-Subject-Change-No-Jutsu.

That Educational System: Westley has little if any education, I’d imagine, but gained some from that whole Dread Pirate thing, and thus can probably read and write, though not very well. Thus, all of his posts are voice posts and all of his comments are voice replies unless otherwise mentioned. The voice posts will note their voice-post-ery (eg; [Voice Post] Blah! [/Voice Post] or something like that) and will say that all comments are voice replies in an ooc note or something. Other than that, (ie; outside of his damn journal) it’ll be voice replies, and that’ll go without saying, kthnxbai. He may eventually learn to type, but we’ll just have to see, now, won’t we?

The Steal: Westley may occasionally quote someone anachronistically for effect or because I just couldn’t think of a witty comeback at that moment in time. It’s fine if your character says “o hay that’s actually from George Carlin/Winston Churchill/Neil Gaiman/Anonymous/Whoever”, Westley will simply not know who you’re talking about and, if you press, say that obviously, they copied off of him, and he simply escaped recognition. It’s fine and I will have no ill-will for it, if anything it fits the relative comedic imprint of the movie/book and thus I approve whole-heartedly ♥

That Congratulation: If you’ve actually read this far through the swath of tl;dr, then the only thing left you need to know is that, yes, I’m aware that William Goldman wrote the book and the movie’s screenplay, so if I say “S. Morgensern” instead of “William Goldman” Out Of the C, it’s because I’m doing that ironical thing again. It doesn’t help that wikipedia automatically redirects to William Goldman when you type ‘S. Morgenstern’ into the search engine, either.

And if you read all of that, you get a no prize

have some tl;dr, reference, ooc

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