dari jauh kupohon maaf. sudirman.
okay here goes,
27th Oct 2006
"asz, kau kumpul duit pastu belikan aku helmet uh untuk bday aku. eh it's an investment tau. you buy me that, and you can be my pillion anytime you want"
AH YER. mcm faham. gi amek lesen dulu baru leh bebual. ok this boy, i just hafta go find him whenever i feel like listening to dangdut. yes, DANGDUT. dumdee. so for the dearest ever so gay prettyboy who, as quoted by he himself, semua pompan pon aku nak. tau takper. kau gelojoh tamak haloba semua pompan lawa hot hip cool dan happening kau nak. work hard eh fiz (:
24th Oct 2006
and this is my favourite boy of all time, ibby! CINER+MLAYU=IB! haha. already eighteen but i still see you as the smallest youngest one don't ask why. i know i can count on you lah ib to notice and say the changes in me, goodANDbad, without even needing me to ask you anything. haxx. good luck for your O's bonch, &i hope you eventually become an art teacher and hohoho make your moooOoove before it's too late baybeh ;)
17th Oct 2006
faris! giant! hulk! NO YOU DO NOT LOOK OR SOUND LIKE TAUFIK BATISAH, so stop deluding yourself ktnx. asal gambar duer ajer when the rest have three? ntah. pasal by the time aku buat kau nyer banner, aku dah penat/tak kuaser. heh. omgahh. i hope i don't catch the faris syndrome cuz everybody else seems to get it. you know i know. okay i'm soooo sorry (rayer mah so must take opportunity to mintak maaf hwahwah) i'm always making fun of you for that but alahhhhh abeh takkan ngan aku pon kau nak bunga?! chet. no hard feelings, beb (:
14th Oct 2006
sooperdooper belated. hmm. he who does crazy stuffs like, gulping down paint&hugobosscologne&all-unedible-liquids tapi tak mampos². GILER SAK. the one who doesn't have to study to get good grades. i'd say you have all the luck in the world mayn. the charming indian........ and i finally saw why you were dunman's prom king of that year. smile always and keep on melting me with those smiles okay? ;)
haapppy deeparaya boys.!
and this goes out to you fellow muslim eljay-ers/readers too okay =D
selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin.
love, asz.
di pinggiran aidilfitri. dikir temasek.