Yesterday I went to a crazy party for my aunt and today I went to starbys with a bunch of poeple
Yesterday the party was flippin nuts. My aunt has sluty friends, i mean slutty when they started taking there clothes off, I knew I need some more wine lol I don't even know how many glasses I had. The my g-ma started dancing to DROP IT LIKE IT HOT! Ahh it was nuts! It was fuckin crazy yet fun and amusing. Starbs was fun fun fun
Not alot of pictures but a few . . .
But I got pictures of my cousins for you all . . . . maily for lauren(PEE WEE)
first pic is alexa n matty second is michael(pee wee) n alexa
Then tonight was Starbs with jess jeff OLD MAN RIVERS (ryan which i never see anymore) megann alison lynn kevin and 3 pshyco weird kids which were just there lol
picsss . . .
yeah robin williams
ryan n his camera
a picture alisons ear which i HAD to keep on my camera lol
oh and new layout check it out