Current State: Dee is . . . pretty good! He'd be better if sex was allowed in camp, but whatev. XD He's been getting out more to meet new people, talking with people he's known for a while, and he's just. Pretty neutral to camp things now. He's going on two years over the summer, and he's kind of meh about it, but. He's got Ryo in camp and that's enough for him.
Since the weather in camp is getting better, Dee's hoping to get activities started up again, and possibly drag fellow counselors into it, because what's the fun of doing it himself? And plus he's lazy.
Future Plans: Cabin 10 stuff! Football! Paintball! Basketball! Possible . . . other non-sport activities!
Posts: Sign-ups for sports and re-pimping of the suggestion box.
OOC: Update update update.
Current State: Is . . . okay? He's just kind of being zen about a lot of things, and he has been getting out to meet new people! New musicians in camp, A++. He's not too worried anymore about the thing with him and Tatsuha being out in the open, but he's still . . . kind of secretive about it because lolo he has a girlfriend and he's messing around with his best friend's boyfriend's brother. Plus, Tohma and K being in camp kind of . . . well it doesn't put him on edge but he's more aware of what he does and tries to keep OUT of trouble.
Posts: Hiroshi is not a poster. :/
OOC: H-He's hard to get out because of how different he is from my other characters, but I'm trying to get better with him! And I think I'm doing pretty good when I get him out at least once a week now, compared to when I got him out once maybe every two weeks.
Current State: In general, he's in a good and happy place. Buccha's here now, which means most of his team is here, and he's happy about that! Even if the treehouse is destroyed and they are most likely either camping or staying in different places until it gets rebuilt.
But at the moment, he is PISSED and ANTSY and kind of confused. He's been in camp almost a year now, and Ikki is the type who likes to move on to bigger and better things. And being in camp kind of stops that at times, but Ikki knows something will come along that'll catch his interest. Also, between getting stabbed by Mukuro the other day and the talk he had with Kurogane, plus Raitei owning him and destroying his A-T, he's not very happy. And then being told that someone was going easy on him? Oh hell no. His head is kind of filled with a lot of thoughts right now that he's just. Sitting back and trying to sort through, but eventually he'll just say "fuck it" and go back to being his retarded self.
Posts: Kogarasumaru treehouse rebuilding, tricks off the barrier, general training/fighting post, FLIPPING SKIRTS POST.
OOC: Still my primary. ♥ Canon is being AWESOME right now what with the fight between him and Kazu. o/ Possibly considering doing a small icon re-haul because I'm an icon addict that way and I love love love the new art.
Current State: IS AWESOME he loves camp and he loves that all his favorite people are there, save for Kyoko and I-Pin, but he knows that they'll show up because they HAVE TO. He's also five years old and really doesn't care if he's stuck in camp or not, because he's having fun.
Posts: Possible 20yl post, general retarded Vongola-ish antics post, I dunno man, Lambo's not a poster. :/
OOC: I'm trying to get him out more, since he's much like Hiroshi in the way that he fell to backburner status not too long after I got him. I need to get him out to meet more people as both his normal self and TYL, and possibly harrass people as baby Lambo who have yet to meet him like that.
Current State: S-Sad. ;; Sakura just updated, and with that, Mokona knows that whenever they leave, Sakura won't be coming with them. AND SHE IS REALLY SAD ABOUT THAT b-but she's trying to keep in mind that Sakura is here now and that she can't let the time she has go to waste.
Posts: More Mokona + Marcy antics, possible Mokona, Mieu, and Lambo post of playercest doom. Also, MEKYOU! post.
OOC: Mokona is my second primary and is like, scarily easy to play. S-Sob.
Current State: Zen cheagle is zen. He's pretty happy about being in camp because MASTER!!!1 is there, as well as almost all of his friends from home. |D Even if camp is kind of scary he doesn't let it get to him too much!
Posts: See above for playercest-y doom post. Also, some kind of camp virus.
OOC: Sob another backburner character. Again, trying to get him out more, at least once or twice a week, because he hasn't met many people in camp and he's ADORABLE and I love playing him. Also, icon re-haul for him, because I want to re-do some of his manga/doujin icons so I can recolor some stuff. :|b
Current State: :| is a good way to desccribe it. He hasn't been in camp too long, and doesn't really have any thoughts on it, but he's stuck here with Ura and Sieg and lolo, he's such a tsundere at them. He kind of misses Ryoutarou even though he was going away from him ANYWAY what with him talking about him sometimes, and he kind of maybe misses the other Denliner people. Maybe. Not that he'll admit it.
Posts: Den-O Flash game post. :3 Also, finding the belt so he can HENSHIN. Possible possessing of zombie by accident is fine, too.
OOC: I'm trying to settle into his voice, because while he's a big dumb retard like Dee and Ikki, he's kind of a mix of them and not and I'm trying to get to the point where I'm comfortable.