heehee, yay science yet agian!lrodellMay 11 2014, 04:51:17 UTC
Ahahaha, I was wondering how he'd react to the durian--it seems to be one of those love it to pieces/get back, you demon! sort of foods--because that is one of the things that Andrew Zimmern Cannot Eat! (he's on the Travel Channel, the show's Bizarre Foods, and that's one of three or four things he can't handle, even after repeated tries? Then there's walnuts (texture), stinky tofu (yep, that is the name!), the durian, and something I can't recall right now. Gracious, this turned into a paragraph on me! hiii^^
Re: heehee, yay science yet agian!atalantapendragMay 11 2014, 04:57:29 UTC
It really is a love it or hate it food! I really wanted to like it and even gave it a couple of tries but Carlos' reaction is basically what I think of it. But I have a friend who loves it! So I think it is worth trying if you like food adventures.
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