... the darker side of pre-christmas time:
Me: *returning from the pits of X-mas shopping hell city* Shoot me. Please.
Caranthir: What? No return with blaring trumpets and flying banners?
Me: The First Age has been over for a while, you know.
Caranthir: So no kinslaying among X-mas shoppers?
Me: I fear it's illegal.
Caranthir: Shit.
Me: You know, all I wanted to do was to go and get some toothpaste, toilet paper and gingerbread for tea. Unfortunately I forgot that it was Dagor Dagorath Saturday. Now I'm scarred for life. There's just too many people out there. And they didn't even have the right kind of gingerbread... *angsts*
Caranthir: Anything on a more positive note?
Me: Yeah, I managed to hunt down the last chocolate muffin in the vicinity successfully. Whee!
Caranthir: So it's only one?
Me: C'mon, we don't want you getting fat, do we?
Caranthir: Hmph.
Me: There, there, stop sulking, have some gingerbread and let's all praise the awesomeness that is cinnamon-flavoured green tea. Yummy.
Moreover I have no hot water once more. Isn't life wonderful?