CHARACTERS: Spock and Chase Kilgannon!
LOCATION: Spock's room
SUMMARY: 3D Chess and ability swap.
She'd only played a few games, but she liked to think she was getting the hang of it. Sure, she'd never won, but that didn't stop Chase from enjoying it. If anything, that made her enjoy it even more.
There was something calming about Spock's room, and being in the presence of the Vulcan. It was nice, an intangible feeling that Chase just plain liked. It had nothing to do with telepathy or empathy or anything else, it was just a brilliant connection. Or so she thought.
Currently, she was sitting opposite from the other, leaning forward to place a chess piece in it's desired location. She couldn't quite reach all the way across the table, which was why she was sitting with her knees tucked under her in the chair.
Blue eyes concentrated as Chase finally made a move, and then decided to break the silence of why they were really together this time.
"I can see the future." Short, sweet, and to the point. After she finally removed her hand from the piece, the brunette sighed and reached for her tea.