Same here. Noticed it. Ignored it. Carried on with usual life.
Why the gay issue?
Because, you know, they don't want to blame it all on the normal people. Immediately, society looks for a scapegoat. Who else but the homosexuals, supposed "abnormal, weird and unreal"? And I supposed they could blame in on prostituion too. Oh, but they have rarely mentioned it, have they? [/sarcasm]
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I have the distinct feeling that plenty of heterosexual couples do this behind their own closed door.
And then there's the whole opinion of a kid not growing up normally... Which many people on your friendlist have stated in the many debates already. xD
It's a pretty good essay- and yes, it is true that the gay community does run around having unprotected sex with various partners (or at least some of them do) but then again my issue is why they're being made the scapegoats when just as much of mainstream society (probably more) have AIDS because they do exactly the same thing.
And you can't exactly promote safe gay sex when gay sex is illegal, which is the whole decrim part of the debate... XD
And besides, what about the fact that it is actually made that much harder for gay men to settle down to one partner simply because they have to stay in the proverbial closet?
Society needs scapegoats, because, like Oscar Wilde said, the only thing we can't bear to accept is the truth. Other than that, I've pretty much given up on the "gay debate". Truth be told, it's been argued so many times and gone 'round in so many circles that it's happily gone, er, nowhere.
Shh. I'm just waiting for our generation, which seems (to me, at least) a hearty bit more liberal than the last (*coughgeorgebush*), to grow up and take over the world constituencies/governments/terrorist organizations hell bent on world peace, gasp.
Comments 23
Why the gay issue?
Because, you know, they don't want to blame it all on the normal people. Immediately, society looks for a scapegoat. Who else but the homosexuals, supposed "abnormal, weird and unreal"? And I supposed they could blame in on prostituion too. Oh, but they have rarely mentioned it, have they? [/sarcasm]
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I have the distinct feeling that plenty of heterosexual couples do this behind their own closed door.
And then there's the whole opinion of a kid not growing up normally... Which many people on your friendlist have stated in the many debates already. xD
Reply Based on yesterday's New Paper's headline news.
It's a pretty good essay- and yes, it is true that the gay community does run around having unprotected sex with various partners (or at least some of them do) but then again my issue is why they're being made the scapegoats when just as much of mainstream society (probably more) have AIDS because they do exactly the same thing.
And you can't exactly promote safe gay sex when gay sex is illegal, which is the whole decrim part of the debate... XD
And besides, what about the fact that it is actually made that much harder for gay men to settle down to one partner simply because they have to stay in the proverbial closet?
*hugs Bonnichu*
The gay community needs more love and support! I am going to make little red/pink ribbons and like pass them out in school. Ahahaha.
Shh. I'm just waiting for our generation, which seems (to me, at least) a hearty bit more liberal than the last (*coughgeorgebush*), to grow up and take over the world constituencies/governments/terrorist organizations hell bent on world peace, gasp.
WE WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD. (or maybe not.)
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