I wonder how my replacement is working out... Clearly being here in India means that my column has been assigned to someone else for the duration of the trip. I will be taking it back when I return, though. So I hope they don't get too comfortable. I also hope they're not running my readers off... I will be very, very angry if they do
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Comments 7
Don't torture him to much~
Ohoho~~~ Of course not~ As if little old me has any hopes of torturing someone like him too much~~
As for playing nursemaid, please do. He is very stubborn, even more so than I am at times, and he'll still want to do what he normally does, regardness. So you and I must be there to make sure he doesn't. Just please...try not to embarass him too much. He's a shy shy boy and though he is well traveled as I am, such sudden radical changes are hard for him.
I know what you mean. While I myself am still nursing my ribs, I too cannot play. I want to play so badly. But Ore-sama must confess you are a wonderful cheerer and between the two of us, I think our cheers are louder than the others combined. plus you look good dressed as a cheerleader, but that is neither here nor there
Oh, I intend to... I've seen this stubborn side for myself, and I will have none of it! Kaba-chan must rest and heal! ... Much like yourself, Keigo-sama.. ;D I was only teasing, I would never do anything like that to him. Unless, of course, he was to ask me very nicely~~
Unfortunately I quit the team. My tennis playing days are long over. I do miss it though. And soon enough you will be back to playing again, so until then we will cheer as loudly as we can to help our boys to victory~! ^///^ You think so? I'm flattered, Keigo. And pleased you noticed~
Good. Good. And...I am fine. Really. I'm sure anyday now, the doctors will finally give me a clean bill of health as soon as my ribs stop hurting whenever I breathe too deeply that is... But I think Kabaji needs that attention more than I, ahn? good. I'll not have my best friend die of a massive nosebleed
Not soon enough, Haginosuke. Not soon enough...but for now, we can rally all of our fans and deafen our opponents with our cheers Yes. I really think so. And of course I noticed. It was impossible not to notice. You were right next to me and very fetching.
To the sound of cheers is the only way to play tennis~ .... Oh my, you will make me blush at this rate Keigo-sama~~ Maybe I should wear it more often if that is the case.
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