So Vesta is stationary tonight and I'm using xJournal to type this entry up, which I may or not post later, possibly using iJournal, depending on where it ultimately goes.
I've been thinking of using my LiveJournal account * again
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Well, I haven't written any fiction since before the fall equinox. So that's over with.
I did go and set up a second journal to
see if LJ's automatically leaving new signups' e-mail addresses visible on the user info page led to my getting all that spam in my formerly pristine inbox
try out some of LJ's niftier advertised features which I'm never
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Equinox. Since I last took inventory at the partial lunar eclipse, the following have been written and posted:
September 19th
Five limericks, posted to atdrake
One of these days I'll write a long and boring essay on exactly why I've been writing X-men fanfic when I don't bother with the comics, I'm not interested in the movies, and Marvel mutants annoy me because they're whiny and won't stay dead
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Several drabbles showcasing the domestic side of mutant life. Lorna-centric. Part of my Lehnsherr Family AU, though one could slot the first four into 616 if so inclined. ( 7x100 words exactly )