i feel like i'm dragging
a refrigerator
down a dirt road in hell
right now
but i will take beauty and wonder
just the same.
i guess i'm hoping the low road
will deliver some
elevated sadness.
[Blake Schwartzenbach]
trust me when i say that i want to hate you
i want to forget that you even exist
want to feel like you're dead to me
when,in fact,you're still everything to me
how could one person with so many needs
be almost everything you need?
i'm not entirely sure
in fact,i'm not entirely sure that i'll ever be sure
it doesn't matter anyways
you're gone
i'm fairly positive there's nothing i can do to get you back
[believe me,i've tried]
but for what it's worth James
wanting you as a whole is not
"too much to ask"
and wanting all of your heart is anything but "selfish"
[you fucking jerk]
i still love you
God only knows why
stop knowing me so well
there's a good reason these feelings are secret dollface
let's keep it that way
i'll speak vaguely for you so no one else understands
i'll give up this fight
when you give up this game.