I saw that Bill had posted his already, and I've decided to do the same since I have the chance. (I am, for the first time in the past six days, not writing a paper.)
Personal life -- I've once again learned who my friends really are. I've rediscovered friendships with friends from home and found new ones here in NY. I've realized, yet again, that people put up fronts to convince others that they are worth friending. I've fallen into that trap; unfortunately, it wasn't the first time.
Love life -- meh. Guys prefer my friends to me. That's all I have to say about that.
Missy was my editor (for the few stories I had)this year. She already knows how wonderful she is. If you don't know this, read her stuff. She's AMAZING. :)
Speaking of Fic writing... Hrm. Yeah. Way too freaking busy this year. I had a job as a waitress over the summer that basically took up 50 hours of my week, and I've been taking 18 credits this semester. It's been kicking my behind. I'll give you a run down on what I've written, in case you've forgotten.
Actual fics:
"A Much Needed Conversation" is basically Batman telling Shayera about Rex after she basically demanded him to. It's the manifestation of the Batman/Hawkgirl friendship I TRULY believe exists.
"At War with Gods" was my way of including a little bit of Greek Mythology into the JL Animated Universe. I did it without GL and BM, focusing mostly on HG (again), Superman, Flash, and Wonder Woman. :D
"The Deep End" is another small Huntress/Question fic, dealing with Huntress and how she sees herself.
"Past the Point of No Return: Nightcap" is what it is. A smut fic involving Nightwing and Huntress. It got over 250 hits, but no reviews. *shrugs*
Tons of Drabbles this year. It's basically all I had time to write. I could bore you with what they were all about, but if you're reading this -- you've read them already. (A.T. Drabbles, And How Do They Get There From Here?, Drabbles, and More A.T. Drabbles). I'm glad to be part of the "Role of a Lifetime" series. I'm enjoying what everyone involved has written, and I'm just glad to be expressing myself when I'm taking a break from papers and finals.
Guilty pleasure fic: "Past the Point of No Return: Nightcap"
Favorite fic: "At War With Gods"
Fic I am most proud of: The drabbles including Harley Quinn
Most daring fic: Ehh... I think I was sort of safe this time around.
I had the most fun writing fic: Um. I don't remember. I think it was "At War With Gods" because I revisited my obsession with Greek Mythology. I did a lot of research for that one and loved it in turn. (Plus, Shayera and Superman have some friend time with each other.)
The favorite character to write with this year has to be Harley. I guess I just understand her character the most or know how to write her well (or something). I'm pleased whenever she's in a drabble.
THINGS TO DO IN THE UPCOMING YEAR: WRITE MORE! I won't have time this January, but I don't want classes taking over my life. I think part of it has to do w/ the lack of snow here in NY, so I'm never stuck inside. (That, and I actually have been a bit more social this time around.) After the Winter Session in London, I'm talking another 18 credits. I may be switching to a double major (Creative Writing & Lit along with Audio/Video/Film). Insane. I know.
I guess I just wanted to say, have a great holiday season. I hope all is well with you and your families. I wish you love and lots of snow for Christmas. After that, let it melt. :D
"Late Night" is about to end. I'd better get to sleep.