Who: Chase and Clarice
What: A day of job hunting has only one proper reward:cookies.
When: Early Afternoon, April 7th, 2012
Where: Starting at Sweet Lady Jane, then around town
Rating: Low
Status: Private, Incomplete
"Stay." Chase Stein said, pale brows knitting sternly as the early afternoon crowd parted, or in some cases fled to the opposite side of the street as he lingered with his pet velociraptor in front of a gleaming candy-store window bordered in ivy and violets and morning glories. A wooden sign propped outside the bakery door advertised fresh fruit tarts and easter egg sugar cookies half off that day only.
Old Lace whimpered.
"If I see so much as a claw through that door, you're in the dog..er, dinosaur house for good."
The raptor hung her head and let out a series of trilling clicks that could have been: 'Okay, okay, I get it.'
"Good girl, we'll be right out, promise."
Second shift was just clocking in and he smiled at Jenna as she tied her apron over a pastel colored blouse that reminded him distinctly of something Karolina would wear. She eyed him disapprovingly.
"What?" strong shoulders shrugged, bewildered. Jenna nodded to what was once the checkout line, most of whom had wandered towards the window to gape at Old Lace. "She's people friendly."
"You couldn't at least invest in a muzzle?" She asked, expression shifting to one of nervous concern as a little boy pulled at his mother's sleeve, begging her to let him pet the dinosaur.
"If you wanna find me one that can withstand genetically engineered dinosaur teeth, be my guest. You still got Clarice chained to the oven back there?" Chase teased, grabbing a few cornbread muffins and a cookie half the size of his head while trying to crane his neck towards the swinging double doors that lead to the kitchen.
"She'll be out in a second, this it?" Jenna rang him up swiftly, just in time for a fushia skinned girl to come through the back doors, pulling at the strings of a short, frilly apron. "Speak of the devil," she smiled slyly at Clarice, almond eyes narrowing. "Your boy and his dog are here, trying to scare away business."