i.imgur.com/kpb5A.png If you follow the link you can see a graph that lists each state by:
Average IQ
Percent of Population that is impoverished
Divorce Rate
Murder Rate
How many rate themselves as politically conservative
I'm not sure how some of these were derived (for instance, was 'contentment' self-reported or derived by other means?) but the results are about what you'd expect. The more religious a state is, the more likely it is to be poor, uneducated, criminal. But what I found surprising is that these states also have a higher divorce rate and a lower incidence of giving to charity. Obviously, there is a correlation between being impoverished and being less likely to give to charities and certainly correlation doesn't prove causation. But, it's interesting nonetheless.
What do you guys think of the methodology? And where is your state on the graph?
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