[ Info ]
Name: sarah
Do you like it?: nope
Nicknames: snoey, sar sar, sarrie
Age: 16
Birthday: 10.12.87
Sign: libra
Location: nj
Status: single
Crush: wish i didn't
Natural hair color: brown
Current hair color: red
Eye color: blue
Height: 5'9
Birthplace: manhattan
Shoe size: 9
Bra size: such a random question. so i'm not gonna answer.
[ Family ]
Parents: rich and kathie
Siblings: the devil
Live with: rich and kathie
Favorite relative: never thought about it
[ Favorites ]
Number: 28
Color: blue or black
Day: friday
Month: november
Song: can't pick just one
Movie(s): see above
Food: shrimp or chicken
Band: bno snow patrol
Season: winter
Sport(s): basketball
Class: choir
Teacher: tuzzo
Drink(s): ginger ale
Veggie: peppers
TV Show: the oc, golden girls
Radio Station: krock
Store: la senza, pac sun
Word: fabulous
Animal: not sure
Flower: rose
State: new york
[ This Or That ]
Me/You: you
Coke/pepsi: pepsi
Day/night: night
Aol/aim: aim
Cd/cassette: CD
Dvd/vhs: dvd
Jeans/khakis: jeans
Car/truck: car
Tall/short: tall
Lunch/dinner: lunch
NSYNC/BSB: nsync
Britney/Christina: christina
Gap/Old Navy: gap
Lipstick/Lipgloss: lipgloss
Silver/Gold: silver
[ Love and Relationships ]
Do you have a bf/gf?: nope
Do you have a crush?: unfortunately
How long have you liked him/her?: longer than i thought
If you're single...why are you single?: lets not get into that
How long was your longest relationship?: 2 months
How long was your shortest relationship?: a few weeks
Who was your first love?: mike
What do you miss about them?: never thought about it
[ The Past ]
What is the one thing you would change about your life: my sister
What is the biggest mistake you've made in your life?: there are a few
Last thing you heard: the phone ringing
Last thing you saw: the moniter
Last thing you said: sure
Who is the last person you saw?: dad
Who is the last person you kissed?: carrie
Who is the last person you hugged?: carrie
Who is the last person you fought with?: rob
What is the last song you heard?: ryan adams- goodnight hollywood
[ The Present ]
What are you wearing?: pj pants and a senses fail tshirt
What are you doing?: taking this survey
Who are you talking to?: no one cuz i'm cool like that
What song are you listening to?: none
Where are you?: the office
Who are you with?: no one
Are you online?: yep
How are you feeling?: pensive
Are you in a chatroom?: haha. no.
[ Future ]
What day is it tomorrow?: monday
What are you going to do after this?: eat brunch
Who are you going to talk to?: my parents probably
Where are you going to go?: to my room
How old will you be when you graduate?: 18
What do you wanna be?: it's so cliché but a doctor
What is one of your dreams?: to be comfortable as me
Where will you be in 25 years?: who knows if i'll be around in 25 years
[ Have You Ever ]
Drank?: yea
Smoked?: yea
Stolen?: probably
Done anything illegal?: yea
Wanted to die?: yea
Hit someone?: yea