In all honesty these last few days I have been wondering what you were up to. I'm teacher Brenda now. I thought about e-mailing you, but haven't. I'm glad you updated. You shouldn't delete your account.
It seemed like a drastic measure; there was a lot of time invested by you as the writer, and perhaps even more time invested as readers when you combine all the people who are curious as to what's happening in your life.
Live Journals don't work in offline mode.
January 22 2006, 07:04:27 UTC
Please don't take your journal offline! To quote the greatest band ever:
If you leave me now You'll take away the biggest part of me. ooooo no baby please don't go!
Ok. That sounds a bit more touchy feel than I want it to, but I didn't write it.
And of course, this really isn't anonymous, I just haven't set up OpenID or created an account on livejournal. I'll let you guess who it is though. Since you have IP logging enabled and you're a tech-savy girl, I'm sure you'll easily figure me out.
January 29 2006, 08:32:40 UTC
Yo, this is Josh. Dude, I text messaged you and stuff. We were tight, but now I havent talked to you in soooo long. We need to catch up at least. I'm interested with your life, so you shouldnt trash your journal and you should call me as well. If you dont know my number IM me (SpikesDreadX on AIM)I miss Sandra and Josh time.
Comments 5
If you leave me now
You'll take away the biggest part of me.
ooooo no baby please don't go!
Ok. That sounds a bit more touchy feel than I want it to, but I didn't write it.
And of course, this really isn't anonymous, I just haven't set up OpenID or created an account on livejournal. I'll let you guess who it is though. Since you have IP logging enabled and you're a tech-savy girl, I'm sure you'll easily figure me out.
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