Let's arrest the pope!

Jul 27, 2010 14:25

If we have to pay in order to have the pope come over and visit us (which we apparently do), then at least we could get value for money by arresting him on charges of ongoing child sex abuse within his organisation.

Now, I'm quite in favour of this, not just because it will provide me with internal satisfaction, but because its a damn good idea. After all, we make other religious leaders responsible for the actions of their flock and have already been very keen to arrest them (most notably, the imam connected with shoe-bomber Richard Reid) or in some cases ban them from even arriving in the first place.

But it appears that our government is a bit shy over taking the next natural step and moving on to bigger, more dangerous individuals. This is, after all, a man who has openly condemned the UK's stance on equality and whilst disagreeing with us is not really cause to arrest him, the same could be said of Michael Savage, the US "shock-jock" who also shouts about gay people. Seems as if these laws only exist to make us feel big, like a playground bully, stopping people getting on the swings. Bigger boys can do what they like. And they don't come much bigger than the pontif.

Hat tip to the Foreign office "leaked" memo suggesting making Benedict branded condoms and blessing a gay marriage. Good to see that they are taking the arrival of this particular hate preacher with all the respect he's due - although in true British style there was much running around going "sorry! sorry!" afterward, naturally.

Perhaps the newly wobbly lamb-legged coalistion fears an act of divine retribution? Or maybe it's that they are picking and chosing their battles and can only condemn the actions of one particular religion at a time?

politics, religion

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