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Nov 24, 2009 22:01

hur. I'm not dead why is it I have to say that in every post XD;;; I think it's because people think I am, seeing as how I rarely use my lj XD;;;; but I have something I stole from izuro

You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

If you feel so inclined, please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration.

FIRST NAME: oh, this is a sticky one. to most of you on the internet and from the anime con scene, I go by Athena. it is not my birth name, nor is it on my driver's license if you are lucky enough to know my real name, congrats. not a lot of people do. I like keeping it that way :/ it is, however, the name I adopted when I started practicing. it was given to me by Artemis, and I've just kept it for when I attend conventions because it's a LOT easier to hear "hey Athena!" and, like, me and MAYBE one other person turn around. where if someone were to call my true name, like, 20 people would turn around XD;

AGE: I turned 30 a few months ago. and no, I don't feel 30. I feel 50 XD;; seeing as how 1) my body is slowly falling apart :/ and 2) I hang out with a bunch of young kids XD;; BUT I LOVE YOU ALL REALLY XDDDD ♥

LOCATION: I am currently in the lovely city of Columbus, OH. I live downtown in German Villiage, and before I hear "oh, that's a nice area!" let me remind you that you don't live here. have you ever driven down brick roads? you have? oh, that's nice. now imagine them covered with snow and ice :/ plows? again, brick roads. NARROW brick roads. plows don't fit, and even if they did, they'd pull up half of the bricks :/ the plus side is, however, that I live 10 minutes from the Columbus Convention Center XD

OCCUPATION: currently, I work for a lovely bank. what do I do? you'll have to ask me. I state this simply because I don't want people knowing who I really am online, as I don't want the people I work with finding my lj :/ it's the same reason I don't go by my real name online. but I like what I do, I really do though my coworkers piss me off on a regular basis >.<

PARTNER: I am currently single. I like it this way. it means I don't have to deal with the drama of a signifigant other XD; yes, being in love is great, but seeing my friends, not to mention my family, in their relationships, I really don't want one XD

KIDS: I don't like kids. at all. DO NOT WANT.

BROTHERS/SISTERS: I'm an only child XD;

PETS: I don't have a pet either ^_^;;; then again, I can't afford one right now ^_^; I like all animals, don't get me wrong... but I just don't have the money nor the time and don't give me that "well, what about fish?" because they might not cost a lot of money, but they do cost money. that and I have bad luck with fish ^_^;;;;;;;;;

♣ I'm going back to my place of birth for the weekend to see Hera and Zeus running joke but I leave Friday after work. mostly because I want to go shopping on Friday morning in Columbus, seeing as how the north coast of Ohio doesn't have much to offer XD;; except Cleveland. but I'm not going to Cleveland :/
♣ I'm working on cross-stitch ornaments for my family for Yule. and hate them. a lot. XD; I'm tired of making them, but since I started 6 years ago, people would be pissed if I stopped XD;
♣ I've joined cosplay club at OSU. mostly because one of the members is doing a presentation on corset making, and I'm experienced with it XD;
♣ speaking of said friend, because of her I am once again considering getting a bjd, only to make it look like a certain anime character because it would be cool XD; the thing is- I can't justify it. I already have one thing that's overpriced in this character's likeness, I really don't need another. on top of that, how long will I enjoy this character? I realize I could change it into something else..... but considering the nature of this character, there aren't a heck of a lot of other things I could do XD;;;

PARENTS: I don't live with my parents any more. I moved here to go to school and stayed. I lived in the dorms my first four years yes, it took me five. OSU sucks like that :/, so I was with them for all of the breaks, but September of 2001, I got my own apartment and have been here ever since.

CLOSE FRIENDS: I think if I were to make a list of all of the people I am close to, I would totally run out of space and have to make a seperate entry XD;;; I love you all, really ♥
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