Drabble: In Memoriam (K, gen)

May 28, 2012 18:59

In Memoriam

Just after sunrise, the Flash zipped around Central City planting American flags along the boulevards.

Bruce Wayne donned a vapid smile as he rode onto the field for the Wounded Warrior Project Polo Tournament.

Steve Trevor's eyes brightened when Wonder Woman entered the retirement home lobby. "I knew you wouldn't forget, Angel," he said as she embraced him.

Clark Kent listened for his high school classmate's name during the wreath-laying ceremony at the Smallville Cemetery. Hearing it, he squeezed his mother's hand.

Green Lantern raised a glass in honor of his comrades in arms, and Metamorpho echoed his "Semper fi."

Authors' Note: To all who've served, our grateful thanks.

Fanfic 100 prompt: Home Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, trouble with drabbles, fan fiction, gen

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