Drabble: Winter Solstice (Diana, J'onn, G)

Jul 25, 2012 22:53

Alfred hands Diana her himation as she steps onto the pavilion.

She isn't cold as she leaps and turns, dancing to the music she remembers from thousands of solstices celebrated with her mother and sisters. Themyscira is home no longer; the Watchtower destroyed, but even here Persephone will see and spring will surely come.

Her breath catches in her throat as she begins the steps that require a partner.

In a moment, Diana is joined by another chiton-clad Amazon, her hair green and a trace of amusement on her (his) face.

"I believe the expression is 'Shall we dance?' "

comicdrabbles prompt: Dancing
fanfic100 prompt: Green

challenge drabbles, fan fiction, gen

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