Drabble: Needling (G, Clark/Lois)

Aug 15, 2012 23:56

Clark winced as the needle pierced Lois’s skin.

“Don’t pass out on me, Smallville. I’m supposed to be the sick one here.”

“At least you sound better.” He’d never forget her labored speech and confused expression that morning. Superman would have flown her to Metropolis General, but Clark Kent could only call 911 and wait for the paramedics.

Lois rubbed her forehead. “I wish I knew what happened. I’m supposed to get an MRI soon.”

Could it be a stroke? Clark scanned her head for blood clots.


“Sorry. Lost in thought.”

“I was just saying how much I hate hospitals.” She looked away for a moment. “I spent a lot of time in them with my mom.”

He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “With any luck, you won’t have to be here long.”

To Clark’s surprise, Lois took his hand. “Thanks for being here with me.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You wouldn’t prefer…Superman?”

Lois laughed. “Superman would never have the time to spend waiting in the ER with me. He’d be too busy - oh, I don’t know, beating up Metallo, saving the world, hanging out with that princess in the star-spangled swimsuit…” this last, she said with a bit of heat in her voice.

“I’ve heard they’re just friends.” He handed her the bag. “Brought you a snack.”

She looked inside. “Like I said, I’m glad you’re here. Who else would think to bring me Chocos and milk?”

“Hey, Ma always says cookies and milk are a cure for almost anything.”

They talked. When he finally glanced at his watch, Clark was surprised to realize that several hours had passed.

A nurse entered. “Ms. Lane? I’m Summer and I’m here to do your EKG.” She smiled at Clark. “Excuse us a minute?”

“I’ll get some coffee and come back.” He stepped out, closing the door behind him.

After Summer left, Superman tapped on the window. Lois gestured to him to enter.

“I heard you were sick.” He leaned over the bed and gave her a gentle hug. “What happened?”

“I guess word gets around.” She described all that had happened since she had started feeling ill. “And then Clark Kent came to see me - he spent all afternoon with me. He even brought me my favorite cookies, can you believe it?”

“Chocos! Should I be jealous?”

“Of Clark? He’s a friend…a good friend.” She looked away.

“Sounds to me like he’d like to be more than just a friend.”

“Maybe.” She took a sip of water. “There’s something about him.”

“I could wear glasses if you like. Keep all those supervillains guessing,” he teased.

She chuckled. “Not the glasses! He’s just got a certain inherent goodness. Kind of like you, actually… you okay?”


She frowned. “You had a really strange expression just now.”

He forced a smile. “Just worried about you.”

“Such a liar.” She was grinning, then laughed, and started, in a sing-song voice: “You’re-jealous-of-Claaark.”

He sighed and wondered what Diana might be doing this evening.

comicdrabbles prompt: Sharp
fanfic100 prompt: Summer

challenge drabbles, supes/lois, fan fiction

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