After a good deal of work during my free time, I put the final coat of polish on my entry for
kinda_lush. I really enjoy making these vids, but the tools are still more limited than I'd like. When it came to adding the subtitles to tell the story... ugh. It's very difficult to cram in character personality and description when the subtitles only allow you to type a certain number of characters. I had to choose and then change words so that they'd fit, rather than being able to say things exactly as I wanted to.
Another note: This story vid is just under three minutes. That also means the subtitles can only stay on the screen a certain amount of time if I'm to get the whole story across. Whew!
I'd really love to hear from you all on what you think. I only provided the low res version for those people suffering through the throes of dial-up. If you have any sort of decent speed, believe me- it is worth downloading the high res version.
High Res Version
Wheat and Chaff by athenaktRated: PG-13 for brief mentions of past events.
Length: 2 minutes 58 seconds, 72 MB - Video with subtitled story.
Summary: Marauder's Era. Teenaged Snape is determined to find the perfect gift. Who is it for, and what will it be?
Low Res Version
Wheat and Chaff by athenaktRated: PG-13 for brief mentions of past events.
Length: 2 minutes 58 seconds, 6.5 MB - Video with subtitled story.
Don't forget to visit
my main website and click on "Fiction and Vids" to see my first two story vids if you haven't already!
I'll post about RL separately. Thanks, all!