Vedic Summer Solstice 2010

Jun 22, 2010 01:02

(livejournal ate my first post. trying again.)

This year for Summer Solstice, Three Cranes Grove held our first-ever Vedic-themed rite in honor of Savitr, the God of solar light energy. Surya IS the sun, and Savitr is the solar power of the sun as it moves through the worlds.

  • I like the idea of calling to a Warrior Deity before treating with the Outdwellers. Indra arrives with fullness and authority.
  • Three fires as a sacred center is definitely something I'd like to see us do again. chronarchy set up the three fires in Agnihotr style, and it was very inspiring.
  • The Three Kindred Invitations were performed with much heart, and I enjoyed the changes the celebrants made to the parts I gave them. I had hoped they would rewrite at least a little!
  • anivair 's meditation was really cool. I would like to see it made longer and do it again (hint, hint).
  • Calling on the Ancient Wise in ritual space is yet again a humbling and powerful experience (Thanks, Mike). I am glad I did not cry as I asked them to bless Isaac specifically, and then to continue to bless and guide the Fathers of Modern Paganism, ADF and beyond.
  • I enjoyed hearing folks talk about their own fathers, and I am glad that we went around the circle and gave everyone a moment to speak thusly on Father's Day.
  • Fire scrye is a cool way to take an omen (haha).
  • Ending with more cowbell is awesome.
Personal reflections:
I was apprehensive leading up to this rite for several reasons. First of all, being the one who wrote a good poriton of it, I was concerned with facilitating that connection between the folk and a new and unfamiliar pantheon. I've heard some good things, and I think it went well in that aspect. I also had a lot of personal garbage going on, and I wasn't sure that I would be in the best frame of mind to lead the folk in ritual. THe Druid Moon on Thursday helped a lot, and by the time I actually got to the space, I was feeling much better. Savitr is, after all, a Deity of healing. I can attest to this first hand!

*Warning: Do not call on Savitr if you have bottled up any emotional garbage. Actually, I suggest calling on Savitr if you have any bottled up emotional garbage. See reflections on the music writing below.

I did not include a lot of, well, anything in this rite that was spectacular or showy. I had a very minimalist altar set up, and there was not a lot of extra songs or other additions to make it pretty. It was pretty much just the work and  the folk. When we got to the Waters of Life, I am slightly embarassed to admit that I forgot to sing! Looking back now, I can see that the "forgetting" was a huge lesson in balance. Some acts are powerful enough on their own, so to speak, and don't need the help of a song. Sometimes, when the folk are distracted and riled up, a song is necessary, but with a congregation that was focused and reverent, there was no need to sing to aid them. I really think the folk made a huge difference in the success of this rite!

Finally, and the thing of which I am the most proud, Traci helped me to do a vocal offering to Savitr. She lead the folk in chanting "Sa-vi-tr" while I sang a descant over top of them. It was so much more amazing than I envisioned it when I wrote it, and Traci instinctively knew exactly what I wanted. We both fell away into the song, and I could feel the joy of Savitr at receiving such a gift as this.

While I was writing this piece, I had a really hard time getting through it without tears. I found myself frustrated more than once because I couldn't sing for crying, and there was no particular reason for me to be so upset. Over time, I worked it out and found that I had a lot more healing to do than I realized. I even finished a rather downer song that helped me to release some emotions that had me blocked. I am grateful for the time I have spent with Savitr, and I will be continuing to honor him moving forward.

I feel much better after this rite, and I am doing well. I am filling in my "summer off" with all sorts of projects that I have back-burnered for far too long, and it does feel good to be productive in this manner again! Busy, busy, busy!

the gods know me better than i do, 3cg, grove, three cranes, savitr, summer solstice, high day

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