Deviant You scored 68 % slut! You are a sexual deviant! You aren't exactly slutty but you sure love sex! You have tried many things and will more than likely try anything once...or twice.
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He brings me salad with stinky cheese and fruit in it...........heaven.
I swear I could live on French toast rounds, stinky cheeses, fruit and wine. That's all I need. And cigarettes. God, this is sounding very French of me..........
I had a blast on Thanksgiving. Trish and her brother came over to eat with my crazy family. Not too much wild drunken fun, but more like "it's great to be hanging out with the people who are so important to me" fun. My kids were on their "almost" best behaviour. I'm noshing on corn casserole and turkey as I type this(talented huh
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Getting up early and cleaning house and cooking-for TURKEY DAY!!! What else? OK, not really cooking, but preparing and serving. No one actually thought I was gonna touch a big, cold, dead bird, did they
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I wish I could just stay home and not have to work. The drama of trying to find someone to freaking cover my shift tomorrow so I can tend to my sick kid is making me cringe-no one at work is really considerate enough to give a shit.