Plans Change & finding my way in NJ :-D

Feb 21, 2009 10:58

Wow, I had a lot of LJ to catch up on and I have yet to post some of my ranting all the way from Dec! They will be coming soon, but some I will just keep at the mespace :-)

I have to say how proud I am of how well I have been getting around Jersey lately!!! :-D On Tuesday I flew into JFK, was picked up, got my Diamond, went crazy looking for basket and veil (which was on the bed) an ran out the door to AK BD practice. I got there with plenty of time (an a hour stop on the way) but half way there I realized that I left my GPS at home *GASP* I didn't want to have to call for directions and I wanted to try a different way there as the "fastest" way there that the GPS had been giving me was almost 2 hours long through public streets UGH. So I took a chance on what I thought was right and well if I wasn't right on the money!!! I went back to Bklyn a different way but just as effective! I used the same way on Thursday and found a new way to Hoboken with no tolls *YIPPIE* So I am starting to feel confident in this Garden State :-D

It's funny (or at times not so) how fast life changes! My plans for the weekend were packed, but life changes them o so quickly! I was to go to the Wicked Faire last night and an SCA event today and then a BD event tonight. I was a bit tired last night and didn't make it out the door so fast so I rationalized that since I was now not planning on going to the SCA event I could go today and the BD event tonight. Yea I can breath! Then AK BD practice down in South Jersey tomorrow morning and then on to never, never land ;-)

I had a great time last night did some bonding with my brother and his GF. We all went out for Mexican with a friend of theirs from work, whom they also use to work with in FL. He was a real sweetheart. Came back to the castle ordered out for desert, Cold Stone Ice Cream!!! and played Rock Band! My goodness, they had me singing! ME! I don't sing, really, really bad! I always want to do the karaoke thing but I don't know, it just never seemed right, giggle. Christine said that I was doing and sounded good, she's so sweet! I got a 92% and a 98% on Mississippi Queen and Black Hole sun, I didn't do so hot on Creep because the boys set Christine up on the expert level and she didn't like the song so I took it and that was crazy, I was like I know this song what's goin on? Yea, boys ;-)

Only in HoBo town can you order out for Ice Cream *shakes head*

All in all it was a good night and a wonderful way to juggle. Now I am off to be Wicked!!!

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