completely nightshifted

Feb 10, 2012 05:35

Which makes the "every day" part of posting something that made me happy a little wacky. So now it's 5 am and I'm in the middle of reading through all the Top Chef: Texas blogs on the official website. I think this might be the first year since I started following Top Chef where I've actually had a really clear, strong favorite chef. I've always had chefs I preferred or disliked to varying extents, of course, but this season, the one whose food I most want to eat also seems like a super great person, and he's still around! He's in the finale! He keeps winning challenges! And if he hadn't been my favorite already, he probably would've become so this episode, when they brought in all the chefs' mentors and he was so touched that he cried and couldn't finish talking and Ed patted him on the back and basically it was the most adorable thing ever. And then he won the elimination challenge with a chilled vegetable soup that Gail said in her blog post was the best thing she's tasted this season and "possibly one of the best dishes ever cooked on Top Chef." Vegetable soup! I think he might be my favorite chef of all the seasons of Top Chef that I've watched (which is admittedly not all of them, but it's a goodly number at this point). Paul Qui, his very existence on Top Chef: Texas makes me happy. I should really save up some cash and go to Uchiko one of these days...

top chef

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