Title: What a Man Will Do
Author: Athenewolfe
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Pairing: Spike/Dawn
Prompt: #10 Torture
Word Count: 389
Rating: R?
Author's Notes: Not betad sorry!
50 Dark Fics Summary: A demon does because he can; a man because he feels.
Blood dripped slowly down her arm. She watched it; detached and rather amused. His eyes darkened. He loved the taste of her blood; it was rich and magical; innocent and powerful all at the same time. He had never figured out why the so called Scooby gang had assumed that once Glory was gone that Dawn would no longer be the Key. How could one be stripped of their essence, their very being?
He watched and waited; played the Slayer’s lapdog. Got into her heart, her knickers and finally he was part of her world. Always trusted to be there for her, to watch Dawn, to be the bloody savior of her little sister; protector of the innocent. Chit even had his chip removed for him.
He was always there, listening, encouraging her. Talk, tell the chipped vampire of your problems. Tell the newly souled creature of your desires, your needs. Let me be your vampire, your man.
But she never realized what love denied would do to a man. A vampire was evil; a creature without a soul. Funny thing what the soul was. Allowed a vampire to be a man; of course mankind was more inhumane then the demons combined. Funny how no one considered that. A demon does because he can; a man because he feels.
Souled, they treated him like a dog. Kicked him hard over and over again and then acted surprised when he snarled. Feed him a treat and then expect obedience.
Reaching out he grabbed Dawn and pulled her closer.
It was him that the Slayer called to in her time of need. He remembered her sweet words. Take Dawn. You’re the only one who can keep her safe. Drive away, perhaps to LA. Just get Dawn off of the Hell Mouth.
So he did.
Let the Scooby gang take care of the world. Let his sire ride in and save the day. He was trusted with the girl.
He took his own advice from way back when. It didn’t matter that she hated him; despised him for what the monster did to her sister. She had loved him, far longer then she hated him. So he tied her up and tortured her until she loved him again; until her sweet screams turned into breathless moans.
Finally she was his again. Would be his for all eternity.
He wonders what Buffy will say when she finds out.