oh hey look, we still have clothes on.
lara's wearing my bathing suit top even though her boobs are gigantic.
i am disgusting.
oh hey, i think we might be drunk now.
we're starring in our own porno, it's coming out next month.
we are just having the best time ever, in an empty field.
hey photographer, lara and i have FACES you know haha.
oh fuck, someone stole my bottoms.
lara is goooonnnnee.
token drunk boob holding, yeahhhhh!
i have a mosquito bite on my ass, THAT was unpleasant.
also just to let you know, scoliosis is making a comeback.
i love your facial expressions, guys.
this was the less scandalous picture version of mike without his boxers on...
we're the biggest soccer enthusiasts you'd ever meet.
we are also starring in a porno, it comes out in october.
yyyeeeahhhh!!! thomas, you had to work at 8:30am the next day!
good thing your job is to be a porn star.
i love dicks and lara thinks this is hilarious!