Title: Wanted
Characters: Sheppard, McKay
Rating: G
Spoilers: Coup d'Etat
I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
I'm a cowboy, I got the night on my side
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive
M58-327 hadn’t heard the Genii weren’t paying for stray Lanteans any more. They barely reached the jumper intact. As they lifted off, Rodney noticed Sheppard grinning and humming under his breath.
“Wait a minute, Colonel, Bon Jovi?”
“What’s wrong with Bon Jovi, McKay?”
Rodney rolled his eyes. “Please, next you’ll be telling me you were in a hair band.”
Sheppard didn’t answer.
“Oh my God, you were! I’m . . . surprisingly unsurprised, actually, given your hair now.”
“Lay off the hair. Besides, it was college, the 80s. Life was good.” John smiled.
Rodney snorted.
“So, Rodney, how’d you recognize the song?”