Title: Petals of a Cherry Blossom Chapter: 4a/?? Author: atmosphere_zero Beta-Reader: misfitmisfit (Thank you so much for beta-reading it! <3
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If he disappeared or died off the face of the Earth, his father would probably not even notice and might even be happy or relieved. fuu~ i know that feeling. D8
hurk. his father is really such an ass. T_T maru should've ran off to get rui. the old ass seems to become all innocent & fatherly whenever rui's around...
The theme of this year’s art competition was beauty. do a self-portrait, manabuns! 8D
For the first time in his life, Manabu’s spirit was lifted. Someone actually cared for his existence? Someone in this world minded if he was truly gone. I MIND! I CARE! D8 & so does mizuki, tora, byou... you got a long list, babu-chan. how can you just ignore me them? T_T
Comments 4
If he disappeared or died off the face of the Earth, his father would probably not even notice and might even be happy or relieved. fuu~ i know that feeling. D8
hurk. his father is really such an ass. T_T maru should've ran off to get rui. the old ass seems to become all innocent & fatherly whenever rui's around...
The theme of this year’s art competition was beauty. do a self-portrait, manabuns! 8D
feathers & honey? honey-blond uru! XD ...what a childish...prank though. =_=;
For the first time in his life, Manabu’s spirit was lifted. Someone actually cared for his existence? Someone in this world minded if he was truly gone. I MIND! I CARE! D8 & so does mizuki, tora, byou... you got a long list, babu-chan. how can you just ignore me them? T_T
Ooh! Not a bad idea XD Definitely need to convince him to draw a self-portrait of himself now, haha~
I know! Manabu needs to open his eyes and see all of the people who care about him (>.<)
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