You should really, really read The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn. The UNBC library must have it, it's pretty short, and... well if you're contemplating/wondering whether you're the right person to become a scientist, it'd help in terms of understanding what a scientist is, how scientists are trained to become scientists, how science functions, etc. As far as study of these things goes, it all revolves around that book, has since the early 60s when it was published. Kuhn knew his shit too, he was a Harvard physics PhD before he turned to beoming an historian/philosopher of science. If anything, his ideas are somewhat conservative, it's not that I like him because he shared my radical views. There's also a feminist philosopher of science who's name escapes me right now who I might recommend an essay or two by (her slant is feminism, but what she's saying is relevant to anyone who wants to use science in a "change the world" sorta way
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