Dear editor of Huffington Post,
I had just recently read your article “Things are improving for LGBT Students, But They’re Still Really Bad,” and I wanted to express my enlightenment as well as some concern I have for this article. First of all, I find it personally surprising to see how many LGBT students feel discomfort at school. From a personal experience, I feel that my high school was very open-minded since we had a lot of diversity. We also did not tolerate any forms of bullying or harassment, so it was rare to hear cases about students being bullied for who they are. I’m glad that more schools are progressing towards a more accepting community. It’s important to teach young people the value of diversity in our community. At the same time, I am a little disappointed that we have not reached a point where all students feel comfortable at school. Everyone should have the right to feel safe while getting an education, which is why I think this is an important topic. Although this article proves some important point, there are some issues with the data. The graphs and data that are presented show how many LGBT students feel safe at school, but it doesn’t really specify anything else. I think it would have a lot more meaning if it included different types of LGBT students since there may be a correlation within different sexual orientation. I am also unsure if the study is done within one school, multiple schools in a district, or multiple schools nationwide. The range of the data is misleading. I think this information is pertinent to have because different communities may operate differently. As stated before, my school (in fact, my entire school district) was very opened to all kinds of students so most students never had a problem with harassment. However, it could be that this study was done at a community with a different mindset in regards to LGBT rights. Other than that, I think it’s an interesting article to read and it really gives an introduction to the type of issues that are happening in our community.
Mi Nguyen