Hi, I thought I would reply to your icon comments over at napalm_isis here, so no one accuses me of spam. Well, spam there. I can spam here all I want, since I am not on your friendlist and if I should end up there at one point, I will already have a headstart for the top 10. *is good at evil schemings*
I am sure Terry wouldn't mind, especially since the first was about writing.
Your first icon:
That's a totally excellent idea, there, missy.
I don't think there's a truer writing quote than this. I have a zillion writing books, and I think they can inspire you, teach you grammar, help you out of writer's block--but teach you to write? Never.
1. Thanks. Every now and then I have a good idea. :D
2. I like that quote. And I like people who manage to find a way to write well enough to entertain an audiance. I have a gazillion thoughts in my head, but I can't really bring them to paper. Or well, screen.
Sure, that's okay. I will even friend you back. :D
napalm_isis hasn't banned me, but there are all those people complaining that I would spam. Though I really am not. It is just with the time difference between Germany and Arizona, we use the comments in her LJ as a chat kind of thingie, since we are usually not online at the same time.
It's not like I go
comment 1: Hi comment 2: how comment 3: are comment 4: you
or so like some other people. ;p
I haven't even explained my icons to her. It is just about my Canadians and some personal stuff.
My first Battlestar icon. I am so behind in BSG. I'm a bad fangirl.
I hadn't even started until after season three and I fangirl Callum (Leoben) like woah (I could go on about him for ages and as proven by napalm_isis's comment stats I actually do ;)) and I love scifi. I am a much worse fangirl.
I did however watch the second part of season four as it aired and will refrain from spoiling you. *keeps mouth shut about plot and thinks about Callum some more*
I am looking forward to all your other icon explainations over at napalm_isis comments. I love hearing about people's icons. :D
The default icon was made by hope99_31516 of a graphic drawn by lizardspots as a "wedding" present for me and theemdash (hers is of the same picture but in hers James is big and Sirius small). We are LJ married.
It shows Sirius Black and James Potter as teenagers. Weirdly we both actually ship Sirius with Remus Lupin, but I can live with James as well and the drawing is cute and it symbolized our marriage, so all is good.
The "THING" thing is from a fanfic (Dr. Jackson's Diary) where Daniel called the development of romantic feelsings "thing" for the longest time until he could admit that it is love. And Padfoot is Sirius' nickname with Em being Sirius in our relationship, cause I have less of an mischievous way about me, but am easily talked into stuff. ;)
Speaking of which, how do you stand on the topic of slash and do you mind dirty words and such. In other words, do I need to filter my potty mouth and brain?
This is an icon by skroberts and it shows Daniel Jackson (I am copying and pasting this from another entry where I recently explained my icons, hence the sometimes weird explanations of the obvious and maybe some weird random comments you might not get ;)). He was my favourite on SG-1 and she made me this icon after she forced me to watch that show (don't you just hate when people keep pimping their shows over and over to you and then you finally give in just to shut them up and fall for a character or the show really bad and have to admit that they were right all along and you should have watched the show much earlier than you did?). ;)
There was a time when about 80% of my icons were Daniel Jackson related.
This icon was made by tehshroom and it shows us insane Daniel Jackson.
skroberts directed me to an icon post Shroomy had made when I was in the beginning of my Stargate days and I started comment spamming with theemdash there and tehshroom was all confused as to why two people who don't know each other would start spamming her icon post with totally unrelated topics in an insane manner. Especially since we didn't know her either.
As you can see, Em and I are really made for each other. :D
Comments 206
I am sure Terry wouldn't mind, especially since the first was about writing.
Your first icon:
That's a totally excellent idea, there, missy.
I don't think there's a truer writing quote than this. I have a zillion writing books, and I think they can inspire you, teach you grammar, help you out of writer's block--but teach you to write? Never.
1. Thanks. Every now and then I have a good idea. :D
2. I like that quote. And I like people who manage to find a way to write well enough to entertain an audiance. I have a gazillion thoughts in my head, but I can't really bring them to paper. Or well, screen.
I bet you could bring your thoughts to paper....apples are distracting you...
napalm_isis hasn't banned me, but there are all those people complaining that I would spam. Though I really am not. It is just with the time difference between Germany and Arizona, we use the comments in her LJ as a chat kind of thingie, since we are usually not online at the same time.
It's not like I go
comment 1: Hi
comment 2: how
comment 3: are
comment 4: you
or so like some other people. ;p
I haven't even explained my icons to her. It is just about my Canadians and some personal stuff.
Yes, apples are always distracting me.
I hadn't even started until after season three and I fangirl Callum (Leoben) like woah (I could go on about him for ages and as proven by napalm_isis's comment stats I actually do ;)) and I love scifi. I am a much worse fangirl.
I did however watch the second part of season four as it aired and will refrain from spoiling you. *keeps mouth shut about plot and thinks about Callum some more*
I am looking forward to all your other icon explainations over at napalm_isis comments. I love hearing about people's icons. :D
It shows Sirius Black and James Potter as teenagers. Weirdly we both actually ship Sirius with Remus Lupin, but I can live with James as well and the drawing is cute and it symbolized our marriage, so all is good.
The "THING" thing is from a fanfic (Dr. Jackson's Diary) where Daniel called the development of romantic feelsings "thing" for the longest time until he could admit that it is love. And Padfoot is Sirius' nickname with Em being Sirius in our relationship, cause I have less of an mischievous way about me, but am easily talked into stuff. ;)
Speaking of which, how do you stand on the topic of slash and do you mind dirty words and such. In other words, do I need to filter my potty mouth and brain?
There was a time when about 80% of my icons were Daniel Jackson related.
skroberts directed me to an icon post Shroomy had made when I was in the beginning of my Stargate days and I started comment spamming with theemdash there and tehshroom was all confused as to why two people who don't know each other would start spamming her icon post with totally unrelated topics in an insane manner. Especially since we didn't know her either.
As you can see, Em and I are really made for each other. :D
But yeah, sanity is indeed overrated. ;)
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