
Jul 13, 2008 16:11

Very busy this month. I have a staffing gap until the first week in August having had one of my (two) officers transfer out as scheduled. I planned to cover his job (visas) and let the other still-new officer continue to cover american citizen stuff. What I wasn't counting on was a double homicide which has kept him out of the office for most of ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

minxyroo July 14 2008, 23:48:45 UTC
Sounds like you've got your hands full. Any suspects in the double homicide?


atomicsappertom July 15 2008, 02:46:16 UTC
Two minors already in custody as of a couple days ago, arrested with the stolen pickup, stolen shotgun, and a pile of other loot from the deceased place.

I'm willing to buy the rope out of my own pocket.


minxyroo July 19 2008, 16:45:20 UTC
Sometimes, vigilante justice is best way to go. We just had a local police officer killed the night before last when he tried to break up a fight between a guy and his girlfriend outside of a night club. The guy pulled out his gun and shot the officer in the face. Other police that were on scene chased the shooter down, and after he tried shooting at them as well, the cops opened fire and shot him to death.

Minor or not, if they're old enough to make the decision to end someone's life, they ought to pay with your own.


atomicsappertom July 21 2008, 03:05:39 UTC
I believe the ages of the "suspects" are 15 and 17. In a less imperfect world, the older of the two would hang. As it is, while the death penalty may still be on the books here, in practice it's just not used anymore.


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