Rant ahead

May 30, 2005 20:25

Why does science have to take the mystery out of everything? Modern science doesn't just have to ask why, it wants, no DEMANDS an explanation. and if this explanation should merit further explanation then it is expected to be pursued. But how often is it that we demand an answer of science? How often do we stop and ask, why do we need to know? Is it really that important? Must everything have an answer? I would ask of science BY WHAT RIGHT?? By what right do you deprive the magician of his magic? By what right do you tear the veil of the universe to peer into it's inner workings? By what right do you strip the fabric of the world just to see what makes it tick? By what right must you abolish miricles? BY WHAT RIGHT?!?!? In the name of science have we done all these things. And for the power of knowledge we must destroy, tear, and label. We have torn the Universe down to atoms and were not content that that was the smallest thing in existance and have torn the atoms into protons, nuetrons, and electrons and were still not satisified. And now we've torn even these into quarks and are still not satisified that they cannot get any smaller! We would seek to defraud the wizard and whittle away his power with our trite explanations and labels. If something new and wonderful appears we cannot just sit in awe, instead science prompts us to capture, probe, analize and destroy the awe in our pursuit of knowledge. We would kill the wonder the universe has to show us in the hopes of understanding and repeating it's "seeming" miracles. And if we can't dissect and explain the workings of something we simply ignore it or declare that it doesn't exist and is only a legend or a hoax. And so science, the killer of miracles, the slayer of mysteries, the conquistador that would seek to rape the universe of it's secrets and strip it of it's glory, goads us ever onward. "To the stars!" we cry! But why go there but to seek out secrets or answers to secrets that we do not know or have no business knowing or solving? Science declares that there are no mysteries, no magic, only secrets that we must unlock. And so we blindly follow until we have raped, pillaged, and destroyed the universe and then consequently labeled and classified everything that we managed to lay our hands on. Science would have us follow even further still until we freeze that stars and boil the oceans. Science brashly declares that there is no God, and that, if we would only follow, we could become as gods. And so we unlock the secrets of the atom to arm ourselves, litter the universe in search of some mystery we do not know in order that we may know it and conquer it for our satisfaction. We would create artificial intellegences far superior to our own and blithly trust Science when it assures us that they are quite harmless because they are under our control and will cater to our every whim. We force the Earth to release it's secrets that we may fuel our desires without having to leave the comfort of the planet that we have called "home" for so long. And then search the galaxy for another place to live in case we don't find the answer before we exhuast our supply or simply run out of things to probe and discover. Science declares that life itself is not sacred and immune to it's powers, and so we force our bodies to yeild up their secrets until we can choose what we want our progeny to look and act like. Yes, we will be able to decide our children's future in more ways than one. And yet. . .we would leave them with no mysteries to discover, no magic to amuse them, nothing with which to occupy the massive intellegences we plan to raise. And once Science has destroyed this Universe it will leave them with only two questions unanswered. "where do we go now that nothing is left?" and, in the immortal words of the man who dropped the first atomic bomb, "My God, what have we done?" And so i would stand in the face of science and boldly ask, nay, demand and answer to the question BY WHAT RIGHT?!?!? And i fear for the answer, or rather, i fear that there is not an answer. And if there is no answer then i must ask, when will we stop? and how far is far enough? And i fear that the answer to these questions may be acedemic as i stand on the brink of the present looking to the future and seeing that there is not far to go until we reach the place where even science cannot take us and that Science is at last slowing down before it comes to a halt. Or at least that is what i pray before we reach the wall looming in front of us as Science blindly rushes onward. . .

don't say i didn't warn you, and yes i know you still have my knife brandy, and no, i haven't answered those questions yet daniel.
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