Oct 11, 2009 00:05
- 11:11 @ Steve0292 Re: 11.5 <-- Super jealous. I've been wanting to get ahold of it since it came out. #
- 16:25 Man... Things are happening. Things. Are. Happening. #
- 16:40 @ Ashyukun Whatever happened to the splooge-fest that was iTwitter? #
- 17:55 Current trend I hate: Companies wanting to hire design "rock stars" "gurus" and now, the worst one yet, "NINJAS" .... Die in a fire. #
- 17:56 Example of previous post: bit.ly/59eXp BLEGH. #
- 18:37 twitpic.com/l1hdm - Hi. I'm a total dork. Pleased to meet you. #
- 18:40 @ Ashyukun Aaah so the splooge-fest continues ;) #
- 20:54 It's funny how many pens/pencils and lighters I find after cleaning my desk. #
- 22:26 @ Nessephanie <3 <3 <3 I'm so sorry hun. #
You can blame